i hate the number 7

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People change when they're online. The nicest person you know could wind up being someone who harrasses people over the internet. The exact opposite is true, too.

Connor is no different.

Sure, Evan is more comfortable online, and while he does seem less anxiety-ridden, especially because his stutter and tone is mostly gone, he's still Evan Hansen. Still likes trees and apologizes too much. He could also just delete whatever he's typing- less sentences that come out sounding wrong. Evan actually sounds stable online.

Connor, though. Well, Connor isn't the nicest person. And he also is a lot better typing than speaking. Real-life Connor is rude, mysterious, and not friendly, but Online Connor? He's friendly, more open to speak about things and a lot less likely to snap at you for no reason.

So it was a little weird climbing into a car of a person that you've only met online and barely know other than that.

Connor's hair was down, unlike their first two meetings, and it looked like he hadn't showered in three or so days, which was understandable because he had long(ish) hair and it's gotta take him at least 20 minutes to shower and like 10 minutes to blow-dry his hair. And that's long. Evan will never grow out his hair. He also, on closer speculation, was wearing a bit of makeup. Not a lot, but eyeliner was definitely present. Oh, the courage this man had.

He could kidnap Evan, it's a total possibility. But Connor, at the same time, seemed to tired to do that. Like he gave up trying to pull something like that so he just doesn't do it. A rebel in retirement, or something.

The ride wasn't silent, but it wasn't full of conversation. Just questions being peppered in at certain times, small ones, like "What's your favourite colour?" and "Favourite song?". Small stuff that helps you learn small things, like the corner and edge puzzle pieces that you want to figure out first.

From what Evan found, Connor's favourite colour was either purple or green, he said he couldn't decide, and his favourite song is "When the Day Met the Night" from Panic! At the Disco, which is also his favourite band. For his favourite food that nobody else liked, he liked pineapples on pizza (Even though they can never eat pizza), and Evan objected saying a lot of people like it, and he replied with "Yeah but Gordon Ramsay said it doesn't belong on pizza." and his favourite type of flower was "Anything but a rose- They're hard as hell to draw, but too many people want rose tattoos and they're too cliche.

Connor discovered that Evan's favourite plant was a maple tree, that his favourite colour was blue and that his favourite animal was a cat because they're usually calm and wouldn't be too stressful to take care of, but because of his mom's allergy to cats (Also their financial issue- Evan briefly mentioned that,) they could never get one.

"What would you want for a pet?" Evan asked, turning his attention from the road in front of them to Connor, who stared blankly ahead.

"Probably a dog. Or a snake. Maybe a hedgehog if I can get a permit one day, but I doubt I'd be allowed one." Evan didn't ask why. He'd ask heavier questions later.

"I- uh, sorry." Connor started after a minute of quiet. "I'm a lot better at talking and," He motioned his right arm at the two of them, "this stuff, with my phone."

"Yeah I can tell." Evan paused, suddenly realizing what slipped out of his mouth. He looked at Connor, who's mouth was open a bit in a small smile, looking a bit... Proud? "I- I didn't, sorry I just, it slipped- I, I just, uh, m-me too." He stammered out, turning a bright red.

"Don't apologize, it ruins it. Destroy me, Evan Hansen, it hurts more when the nice boy says it." He laughed a bit, smirking a bit and as Evan studied his face, he noticed something that quickly brought his attention and was a perfect topic-changer. Or something.

god thats a lot of flowersWhere stories live. Discover now