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Swasan is sleeping peacefully in each other embrace. Sanskar is hugging tightly. Swara eyes open and she sees her in Sanskar embrace. She tries to free herself from Sanskar embrace BUT all it goes vain..
Swara (in mind ):how kind of this person is. Can't he give me some space. Urghh(sees Sanskar in anger )idiotic mahesweri sometime i want to kill him. BUT want can i do now he is my husband. (narrowing her eyes in anger )u DEVIL Sanskar mahesweri make me ur wife in just 18 year. He himself enjoy his teenager life. But he makes my teenager life hell in his obession love for me yaar. But wait a minute when he said me i had never come infront of him.
Swara goes deep in thought. Sanskar gets up and sees Swara in deep though he smiles and he rolls around. Now Swara is beneath him. Sanskar caresses her cheek.
Sanskar :u know jaan. I see u first time in ur college when u r laughing with ur friend.u even didn't notice anyone around u. Ur first spark of ur face is enough to kill me.
Swara is shocked to know that Sanskar easily understand her thoughts.
Sanskar smirks seeing her. He knows she is shocked. Sanskar kisses her. He is giving her Butterfly kisses. He starts saying in between kisses.
Sanskar (breathing heavily between kisses ):u know from that day i BECOME mad for u.
(he rolls and takes her on his up):i starts following u. Even i fit camera in ur room.
Swara BECOME more shocked.
Swara (breathing heavily ):what
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He kisses her again. He again rolls now she is beneath her once again. She starts thinking about from starting till now. Sanskar is busy in kissing her neck. He is rubbing her breast during kisses.
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Swara (in mind ):that's why he knows my every movement. What the..........
She pushes Sanskar with full force.Sanskar smiles sits on bed with the support of bed wall. Swara sits up with covering herself with duvet.
Swara (furiously ):how can u put camera on my room. U doesn't have shame on putting camera on a girl bedroom.
Sanskar smiles and pulls her close through waist. He puts her hair strand on her ear lobe.
Sanskar; ya jaan i will have to feel shame to put camera on a girl room. But if the girl is my soon to be wife. Whose every curve i have going to see sos i why and have to feel shame.
Sanskar leaves her. He gets up from bed.
Sanskar :jaan i m going to office. There is lots of work so i will be late. So Please eat food properly otherwise u know me na.
Swara (shouts ):yes i knows that no one is more worst than u.now get lost give me some peace.
Sanskar smiles and goes near her ear.
Sanskar :be ready again we will again make love jaan.
Swara become shocked and Sanskar slightly kisses her.
Sanskar :i love u my sweetheart.
Sanskar leaves to change. He comes out. He Is combing his hair.
Swara comes near sanskaar covering herself in duvet.
Sanskaar see her he smiles and he takes her in his embrace. He kisses her forehead with smile.
Sanskaar (extra sweetly ):What happened to my jaan. Wants to say something.
Swara (in childish way):i want to go to college.
Sanskaar (smiles and pecks her lips ):ok u can go.
Swara (smiles ):really
Sanskaar :ya but not today. U can go tomorrow. Today i m hell busy so i can't come to pick u up.
Swara (angrily ):but i can go alone also or with Driver.
Sanskaar (in serious harsh tone ):no u can go college when i will drop u or i will receive u from college. I can't take any risk for u.
Swara :u r. Unbelievable. What is problem if i go with Driver.
Sanskaar :it means i can't leave u alone with any man.
Swara : u r.
Sanskaar :if my conservative behavior is this. So no problem. But i will not leave u with other man alone.
Swara pushes Sanskaar in anger.
Swara (angrily ):i will go alone. Now get hell out from here.
Sanskaar furiously holds Swara chin tightly.
Sanskaar (furiously ):u have to follow me mrs Swara Sanskaar mahesweri. Otherwise i will cancel my all meetings and make whole day love with u.
Swara :ok fine i will go tomorrow happy.
Sanskaar becomes happy and hugs her. He kisses her shoulder.
Sanskaar :super happy. Now take rest. I will be late today so please eat ur food on right time.
Swara :ok fine i will eat.
Sanskaar kisses her cheeks and leaves by closing door. He instructs ladies servant to take care of swara. He strictly warns every male servant to not come near swara.
Sanskaar is talking to his P.A
Sanskaar (in bossy tone):so ya ashumendra everything has been done.
Ashumendra :yesye sir. Sir the lady is.
Sanskaar raises his hand to stop Ashumendra voice.
Sanskaar :no need for introduction. Just send her to my cabin. And ya u may also leave now.
Ashumendra :yes sir.
He leaves from cabin. Sanskaar opens his laptop and sees Swara. Ya he has fit camera in his room also to see Swara everytime . Obessed love.
Sanskaar sees Swara smiles and laughing seeing the T.V. Her smile is giving him calmness.
Sanskaar smiles and touch his laptop that side where Swara face is reflecting.
Sanskaar (talking to image of Swara ):ur smile is just ointment for my past few years wounds.just seeing ur face i forget my past sorrows. That's why i want u in my life so soon. I can't imagine my life without u.
Sanskaar chain of thoughts broken by listening door knock.
Sanskaar (with attitude ):ya come in.
Sanskaar sees the person. He becomes shock. Fear comes in his eyes. He starts sweating badly. He gets up from the chair and starts moving backward. The person with smirks starts moving towards.
Person :ohh my little brother is here.did u miss me in this year.
Sanskaar pins on the wall. He is going more n more close to wall in fear. Person goes near Sanskaar try to touch her cheeks. Sanskaar jerks her hands in fear.
Sanskaar (while stammering in fear ):please go from here kavita di please go from here.
Kavita goes more close to him.
Kavita ::ohh how can i go when my little brother needs me more.
Some flashes comes in Sanskaar in mind.
Sanskaar (teenager boy):no kavita di please. Go
Kavita :how can i go when my little brother needs me more.
Scene gets blur.
After seeing the flashback Sanskaar pushes Kavita with force and runs from there like a small crying kid. It is night time hence no one is present in office.
Kavita smiles seeing Sanskaar running.
Kavita (talking to herself ):how far can u run from me Sanskaar. There is no hidden place from hide from me.
50+ comments guys. I will surely give next part on friday.

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