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So here is the journey comes to an end guys.
Will u miss this story



Parth is putting rope all around swara and swara is trying to make him understand the situation.

Swara :look parth don't do this. It's wrong. We can't get together i m married parth.

Parth(After putting the rope on Swara sits in front of her on the chair):look Swara i m not in the mood to say much to u. Here i have come to take u with me forever. Laksh will help me to take u from this country and after that we will be happy with each other. So don't say too much sweetheart. Just take rest and ya Sorry for this(showing the ropes around her)it is necessary because u r not listening me so.


Sanskar is trying to figure out where is swara he doesn't want to involve police in this because he wants to punish the person by himself who tries to snatch his jaan from him.

Sanskar (talking to himself ):where is she. I have to find out. Wait a, minute how can i forget i have put security on jaan's phone after that incident(SANSKAR is talking about that incident when laksh send goons to tease swara )

Sanskar sees the location from his mobile and sees swara location from out of city.

He takes the car and drives harshly over there.


Sanskar (while driving the car angrily ):laksh now enough of ur Revenge drama. U r gone. Tonight u r finish.


Parth is trying to make swara eat food.

But swara is not eating anything.

Parth (angrily puts the plate on the table ):see swara don't test my patience. Eat something.

Swara (while crying ):i will not eat it Parth. Please leave me.I will not live without him please.

Parth (raise his hand to slap Swara but stops between ):Swara can't u understand we love each other. U forget our time. How much we were happy with each other. Why u betray me haa because of his money.

Swara (shouts on parth):how can u think me this much cheap. I m not money minded i had committed to u i didn't want to marry Sanskar but he forced me to marry him. Whatever the situation. The fact is this i love SANSKAR and this is the reality. U r just my attraction. If u were not so how, much easily i give myself to SANSKAR. Accept it parth we r attraction for each other. Please understand.


Sanskar is going towards the place where he had trapped the swara's location.

He gets a call.

Sanskar angrily picks up the phone without noticing the caller ID

Sanskar (shouts on phone):i don't have time to talk right now.

CALLER :no no mr mahesweri don't put the, phone down.

Sanskar (stops the, car angrily ):laksh.

Laksh (smirks):missing me,

Sanskar clutches the steering wheel of the car.

Laksh(angrily ):u know Sanskar when i saw my wife beneath u fully naked. Do u have how much i got hurt that time. But(smirks)when u will know that ur wife is back to her ex lover.

Sanskar :laksh

Laksh :bingo. Time is going to give ur fruit of ur deeds Sanskar. Now u always think where is ur wife
And please try to think ur wife having something something with his new husband.

THE DEVIL AND HIS ANGEL SEASON 2(COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now