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"AYYYY!!!! Scarlet!!! Wanna go to our dorm?!" Namjoon smiled. I smiled back "sure! Can Chris come?" I asked. "Of course, oh yea but Taehuyng a and Yoongi won't be able to be there" Namjoon added. "Hmm strange Veronica and Erin are out too!" I thought outloud. "Do you think?" Rapmon eyes widened. "Ooooh" I smiled. "HEY!!! SCARLET!!" A happy bai ice came up behind me. "Oh! Hobi!" I smiled. "Rapmon, what are you doing with Scarlet?" He pouted. "Oh nothing Jhope just talking" he smiled again. Man his smile is cute...I dreamily stared at Rapmon. "SCARLET, JHOPE!!! YOU LEFT ME BEHIND" Christine came up running from behind us. "Oh sorry lets go to there dorm" I said straightforwardly.

HOBI pov
I saw Scarlet and Rapmon laughing in the distance, I can see how she looks at him...I'm...my heart...tugs....everytime. I call them feeling my voice quiver seeing them stop smiling. "Oh! HOBI!" She smiled at me. My face brightens as she smiled at me. It lightens up my day.

"Yah, Jhope, you jealous?" Rapmon slung his arm over my shoulder. "Waht!!!! Offffr no" I defended. "Ok" he sighed before running off towards the two laughing girls. "Of course I am...she is mine"

Can We Love? (Jhope FF)Where stories live. Discover now