Beach bonfire pt 3

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"W-what do you mean?" I stuttered. He smiled and packed me softly on my forehead. My face turned red as let go of my hand beckoning me to follow him. I snapped out of my thoughts a followed him smiling. "YAHHHH!!! JUNGKOOKIE!!!" Chris screamed, she was being carried near the water. "Put me down!!!" Christine yelled as Jungkook went deeper into the water. "Shes screwed" I giggled. "YAHHHH WHY DID U BRING ME INTO THE WTER?!" Christine yelled as she felt impact with the water. "ITS COLD!!! YOU COME DOWN HERE TOO!" Christine tried to pull Jungkook. Soon I didn't realize I got picked up by Hobi, he nuzzled my nose with his. "Don't pay attention to Jungkook" he said when ran away with me in his arms.

Christine pov

I flailed my arms, Jungkook smiled giving me his hand. I looked up at him with innocent eyes, then I traveled down to his hand. I smiled taking it slowly before grabbing it tightly pulling it so he fell in the water with me. He fell landing on top of me. Jungkook bit his lip, looking at my wet clothes. His eyes were filled with lust as he leaned closer to my face. Upon I knew what he was looking at I moved my face back. my shirt is see through....I knew wearing a white shirt was bad...

I avoided eye contact when he lifted up my chin, until I felt something warm and soft on my lips. My eyes widened then softened giving in. His big hand slowly reached the back of my head pushing me closer. My hands tangled into his hair as we closed our eyes.

Hobi's pov

I stared at Christine and Jungkook kissing passionately in the water. I never dared to do something like that with Scarlet. I'm afraid I would scare her, I love we so much I don't want to hurt her. I just want for her to feel loved. In any way I can. I stared back at Scarlet's beautiful eyes. What she does to me is unbelievable, I can barely control myself when we kiss. My hand crept to her cheek cupping it softly. "Hobi" she blinked. I bit my lips trying to hold back. "Scarlet" I croaked. I closed my eyes for a bit before cornering Scarlet into a corner. I slammed my hands next to the walls, tilting my head leaning in at the same time. She wrapped her hands over my neck. I melted into her lips as she kissed back. I closed my eyes licking her lips every time I would bite her lips. I bit her lip all of the sudden and as she gasped I inserted my tongue.


We gasped for air and I slumped my forehead on hers. "Sorry I couldn't hold back" i sighed into her hair. It was soft and calming. "I love you" I stuff my hands in my pockets.

Scarlet pov

He stuffed his hands in his pocket bringing a small pocket. He opened the box bringing out 2 rings. Couple rings....he slowly put on on mine then one on his. I smiled and hugged him tightly.


Loud sounds could be heard from a little farther on the beach. "Looks like they got the fireworks" he smiled.

Christine pov

We slowly kissed in the water as he pushed me into the water. My back laying on the sand beneath the water ad he continued to kiss me. His hand reached for something then it came around my neck. He breathed helping me sit up. I looked the cold metal on my neck and smiled, my smile grew wider when I saw the same on his neck. His legs were tangled with mine.

A huge burst of light came through the sky, loud booming sounds erupting from the sky. He smirk cheekily, his bunny teeth showing. He moved my wet hair out of my face and moved closer that I could feel his breath. "I love you" he says softly before bringing me into a deep kiss.

The rest of the members sat back and stared at the sky, staring with each other. This was firs day of our camping trip on the beach, and it was perfect.

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