Never letting her go

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Christine pov

I sat down as the food was be prepared. I stretched my arms "mmm your done your job too?" Jungkook put me into his lap, holding me from behind. "Yea...look and Scarlet , she is so cute with Hobi. I'm going to take a pic" I took out my phone slowly. I snapped some photos noticing Hobi waking up, make love, heart and kissing signs at Scarlet. I snickered as I smiled Jhope being all lovey dovey around sleeping Scarlet. Just when he was going to peck her cheek, Scarlet flinched waking up tuning her head swiftly. And that's how I got a picture of them sharing a lovely kiss. "Yahoo!" I cheered showing them the picture. "Y-Yah delete that!" Emma and Hobi synchronized. "Nopey dopey!" I giggled shifting slightly on Kookie's lap. "Ahhhh~ she is evil like me" Kookie showed his phone screen to them. "YOU HAVE ONE TOO?" Hobi and Emma shouted. I laughed hugging Kookie. "And we are not deleting it" we said evily. "Well we won't show the pic to anyone or share it with anyone if you.....go on....a double date with us" Kookie smirked. "W-Wa? D-Double date?! Doesn't that mean?" Hobi gulped. "No Privacy" I findings his sentence grinning evily. "NOOOOO!!!! THAT MEANS...I-I won't be able to kiss her anytime I want" he whispered the last part. I laughed going back ini the kitchen leaving them shocked.

Scarlet pov

Next day

I grabbed Hobi's hand tightly as we walked trough a mall. "Why aren't guys comfortable?" Christine smirked holding Jungkook's hand. "Shut up" I glared. He laughed leaning into Jungkook's chest as he put his arm around her. "Ah! Isn't that Deelan?" Christine made fun if his name. "It's not Sooohoe it's Suho..." I corrected. Christine looked at me strangle "ISNT THAT JASONY?" Christine bursted all of the sudden. "Stop giving them nicknames...WAIT WAT?!" I looked around. I spotted Suho and Jason walking around the mall. My eyes lit up, and called put their names. They heads perked up looking at us. "ITS US YOU IDIOTS!" Christine yelled in English. They smiled widely before walking over to us. "YO!!!" They greeted as we did a bro hug with them. "and who are these men" Jason asked. "Oh our-" "boyfriends" Jungkook and Hobi gritted their teeth pulling us by their side. I looked up at Hobi's face and saw jealousness plastered all over his face. "This is Suho and Jason...our exes" Christine mumbled. "What?! I thought we were your first kiss?" Kookie whined sending a glare at the two men. "Y-You were" I Blushed. "We never kissed..." Suho mentioned. "Well just so you know this lady is mine!" Hobi pushed my neck, planting his lips onto mine. I tried to push but he didn't let me. He let go an smirked as he saw Suho gulp. "And our relationship is not fake" Jungkook added placing his lips on Christine's. "Um- yea we better get going then" Jason gulped looking at the two possessive men, "yea stay away" Hobi growled from his throat. "Because I love her and I'm not letting her go to anyone" Hobi stated.

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