The day

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I breathed heavily as I paced back and forth behind a little curtain. "Calm down Mrs. Jung" Chris stopped me. I sighed and sat down into the chair. "What are you so worried about" Chris crouched down to my level. "I'm afraid I'll mess up, you know I can barley remember people's name when I first meet them" I groaned in frustration. "Say your feelings and you'll remember" Chris smiled reassuringly. I chuckled and hugged her "thanks"

"Well I'm gonna go to my place now since the guest are almost finished sitting down" Chris smiled and turned around. "So when exactly are you gonna get married to Jungkook?" I questioned. "Shut up" she laughed and left.

<time skip>

"Bride your on" a staff member motioned me. I grinned and and spotted my dad, he's here for my wedding. I smiled widely and I linked arms with him, noticing tears threatening to fall from his eyes. "My little girl has grown up" he whispered softly.

I smiled and looked ahead spotting my beautiful fiancè.

I can't wait....

<time skip>

"AAAAAAK YOUR FINALLY MARRIED" Erin squealed. "What do you mean finally?" I raised an eyebrow. "HAHAHHAHAHA" Chris and Veronica started to laugh. "I didn't think you should be laughing, after all you caught the banquet of flowers" I poked Chris. "HAH THATS RIGHT!" Veronica screamed. "Jungkook was blushing so bad" Eren giggled. "Not as much as Hobi when Emma spoke we speech" Chris giggled. "By the way great speech maid of honor" I complemented. "DID THE SCARLET JUST COMPLIMENT ME????" Chris gasped dramtically. "Wai!!?" I pouted. "Sorry I have to borrow Eren" Yoongi smiled. "Don't say things behind my back" she grinned. "Dont worry we will" I grinned back.

"I have to borrow Veronica too" Taehyung took her. "I want my snacks!!!" Veronica whined. "Huh I already ate them tho?" Chris smiled cheekily. I laughed at Veronica's angry face and turned to finish my food before Chris does. "Let's go Chris" Jungkook pulled her arm. "Huh???? B-but....I wanna spend time with my best friend before Jhope takes her away!!" Chris pouted. "I wanna spend time with you tho" Jungkook pinched her cheeks. "I'm staying put" she crossed her arms.

"W-Wa???? LEMME DOWN KOOKIE!!" Chris whined as e carried her away.

"Finally your alone" a deep voice interrupted my daydreaming. "Hobi" I smiled. "Now may I have a dance?" He bowed. I smiled warmly and nodded while spotting Eren dancing with Suga, Veronica and Tae doing some sort of dance. Chris dancing slowly with Jungkook. "Yes you may" I replied. I grabbed his hand and he pulled me to the middle of the dance floor.

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