Beach Bonfire part 1

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I opened my eyes to lots of noise in the kitchen "what's happening" I yawned. "We are going on a trip" Erin squealed excitedly. "What kind?" I rubbed my eyes. "Beach!" Veronica smiled widely. "Ok I'll start packing" I stretched my limbs. "We already packed" Christine lifted up her head pointing at the luggage piled at the front door. "Did you just wake up too?" I asked looking at her tired state. "No I'm just tired" she smiled. "Well what time are we leaving" I asked looking around for Hobi. "We were planning when you wake up" Hobi said coming through the front door with Jin, Rapmon, and Jimin carrying our luggages to the car I presume. "C'mon we are going! We have to split up in two groups" Jin announced. "we will be in different teams, from the cars we choose. So there is the black car and white car, team one will go in the white, team two will go in the black. Any questions?" Jin asked. "What activities will we be doing?" Taehyung asked. "We will be doing all sorts at each stop we make on the way to the beach" Jin answered. "Ok setting up teams! I have a bucket here full of names! You will be partnered with the name you pick" he smiled holding out a bucket. "And how about the leftover person?" I asked thinking we don't have a equal amount of people. "That's the first activity! They have to battle out for the last person" Jin raised his eyebrows. "Ok let's pick!" He smiled.




"Ok as the good leader I am...I'm not going to make it a easy game to win me over" he bragged. "Like anyone wants you hyung" Jungkook scoffed. "Now now, one of the partners out of the two will pick a name and you will be partnered with that group!" Jin said.




"THEY HAVE MORE PEOPLE!" Hobi gasped. I laughed ruffling his hair. "Well your like the athletic group" Erin suggested. "We're athletic!" Jimin and Taehyung protested. "Ok Rapmon, you will join the other group since I didn't think of this" Jin laughed.

First Activity

"FIRST ACTIVITY WE WILL FIND FOREIGNERS AND ASK TO TAKE A PICTURES WITH THEM!" Jin yelled standing in front of a popular cafe for foreigners. "I can speak perfect English" Christine stated. "Me too" I snapped. "English is my first language" she pointed out. "Wasn't it chinese?" I asked. "No" she laughed spotting a foreigner running to the couple.

"hahahaha we won!" Jungkook fist pumped the air. "Only because we couldn't fine anyone who wanted to take pictures of us!" Jimin scoffed. "what ever" Hobi crossed his arms smiling.

At the beach

"We finally made it!" I breathed, out of breath from all the activities. "I FOUND THE PERFECT PLACE!!" Christine waved her hands. "I'm too tired to run there" I whined. "Don't worry Jagi I'll carry you" Hobi bent down. I climbed I to his back and he started running.

Christine pov

I watched as Scarlet was riding in Heosuk's back, "I'll get the wood" Namjoon and Jin walked in the opposite direction. "I'll take out the snacks and drinks" I went to the car. "I'll help!" Jungkook ran toward me. We went to the cars trunks getting the drinks and snacks we bought.

"Yah! Get you lazy bums up and help is set up" I yelled at the resting people. "fine, Taehyung help me with getting the seats from the trunks"Yoongi yawned. "We will set up the tents" Veronica grabbed the tent bags from my backpack. "I'll help" I said excited. "I've always wanted to set up a tent!" "That's what she said" Emma laughed. "Well me too!" Jungkook hugged me. "That's what he said" Hobi smirked. "That's what the duck could not say" I brought out a duck from a potable freezer. "Oooh are we cooking that for dinner?" Jin came back with a bunch of sticks. "Yes!" I put it back. "What are you making?" Scarlet perked up her head. "Are you gonna force it out of her mouth?" Erin asked. "She's not going to force it out, it's going to be forced in, hopefully in Scarlet's " Veronica continued. "Hopefully it's Hobi's" I finished it off. "YAH!!" Scarlet shouted. I started to laugh, Jungkook cute laugh and Jin's window wiping laugh was all could be hear. "Do you want me to slap you?!" Hobi put his hand up. "That hand will be slapping else tonight" I snickered. "Yah!" Scarlet sat up. "Now that your up help us!" I waved my hand around. Jungkook can up beside me handing me our tent we would be sharing. "Let's do this" we put our fists together.

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