The Hospital

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The Next Morning....

I was hanging out at the Curtis house again. My folks don't have a tv, so where else am I going to watch Mickey?

I was actually having a good time, until the door opened to reveal Dally and Dixie.

Oh, brother. I watched as they came inside, but turned my head back towards the tv as they looked at me.

Dixie came and sat beside me and hugged me from behind.

She really does feel bad I thought. I didn't hug her back though.

I just wasn't in the mood. As she let go realizing I wasn't going to hug back, she went in the kitchen.

Dally looked at me and said, "See whatcha did?" I said, "What I did?"

He said, "Yeah, did you know after you left Dixie started crying saying it was all her fault?"

I didn't say anything. He said, "She really feels bad, man."

I looked up to see Dixie standing at the doorway:

I looked up to see Dixie standing at the doorway:

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I looked back at Dally and stood up. I said, "I'm going for a walk."

As I opened the front door to leave, I turned around to see Dally whispering stuff into Dixie's ear.

I slammed the door and left. Why doesn't he just ask her out? It's obvious he likes her.

Dixie's POV

I looked at Dally as soon as Two-bit left and said in a quiet voice, "What should I do?"

Dally said, "Go after him." I walked out the door and saw Two-bit walking in the distance.

When I got to him, I could see clearly he was not alone.....socs......

All I could see was blood, fighting, and screaming. That's when everything in my life went from good to ......

----------------Blacks Out---------------

----------------Later That Day----------

I woke up to see myself. I was in a hospital room.

Soda was the only one in the room at the time.

I looked at my body laying there...lifeless.

I started pushing on my body but it was like a clear force field was in the way.

I heard Soda say, "Everyone misses ya back home. Well, we didn't tell Buck. He would kill us all."

I stopped trying to get back to my body but it wouldn't budge so I sat on the floor next to Soda's chair:

I stopped trying to get back to my body but it wouldn't budge so I sat on the floor next to Soda's chair:

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He grabbed my hand and said, "We all miss ya Dixie. Heck, Two-bit's driving us all crazy."

I listened as he continued, "He got hurt pretty bad as well, but at least he didn't slip into a coma."

Coma??!! I stood up immediately and kept trying. I told myself, "C'mon Dixie, wakey wakey."

It was no use. I was out. Cold.

I looked back at Soda. He was looking down, his eyes were filled with water.
He missed me.

I touched Soda's shoulder. He grabbed his shoulder as if he could feel my presence.

I pushed with every inch of my strength I had to get in my body.

C'mon do it for Two-bit! Do it for...

I was back! I was in my own body! I looked up to see Soda. I lightly grabbed his hand back.

He looked up relieved and said, "Dixie! Your ok!" I smiled.

I tried to say 'yeah I am' but I couldn't! Why couldn't I!

I opened my mouth but no words came out. Soda knew something was up and he said, "I'll go get the doc."

In a flash, he was out of the room and came back with who I'm guessing is the doctor.

The doctor came in and smiled at me and said, "Good morning miss Merrill."

I tried to say good morning back, but again I couldn't! What is happening.

Soda said, "Why can't she say anything, doc?" I nodded my head.

The doctor said, "Because right here." He pointed to my throat.

He continued, "Got damaged during the fight with the socs. Now, she is unable to communicate because it was damaged."

I looked at Soda worried. He said, "Well, how long until she gets better?"

He said, "Could take a month or two. She just has to go without talking."

Well, this is great. I don't like talking anyways so now I have an excuse not to!

Soda said, "Are you sure it will heal?" He says, "Yes, but it must have the proper care."

Oh no, what is going to happen when Buck finds out? I can't say anything to him.

The doctor said, "She's good to leave if she wants to."

They both looked at me as I nodded my head. Soda helped me out of the uncomfortable hospital bed.

After I had changed and we walked to the very front of the room, Dally was the first to hug me which surprised me.

I looked behind him to see if any of the other gang members were here and they all were even Two-bit was.

I couldn't say anything, so I hugged him back. As soon as he let go, Two-bit was gone.

Thanks for Reading!
Hope you enjoyed this chapter!
Plenty more to come later today!
So, I'm not in trouble so I will update!
-Stay Gold

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