The Moment

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The castle 👆👆 ;)

chapter 4

It took me a whole day and a half to locate their castle. which was a hard task seeing as it was already located in a secret place that was covered with spells done by Armeen the most powerful witch ever and the the head of council's Soul Mate and right hand. It was frustrating to say the least but the cover had to be done and cannot be breached or discovered by any except the supernatural creatures who are also high in ranks otherwise It would be a fish market.

she is said to be a wise woman with great knowledge and experience, acts with kindness and the right amount of firmness and fairness helping in balancing her husband's disicions and orders well but the funniest thing is that she sometimes acts bratty with an old woman's sass and punk and even though she's over 100 years old already, her and Antonio look to be in mid thirties. I only saw their picture ones and heard these rumors about them many times.

However, after I found the castle I went back on the road towards my destination. After a couple of hours I had to stop for the gas station and to buy some snacks as well.

As I parcked my car and got out,
I felt something that I haven't felt in years.

I stood frozen in my place experiencing something I haven't felt in years. fear
Me, The infamous Theodore Millviele feels fear for the first time ever in the last eight years. It came and passed for a moment that I almost doubted it was a figment of my imagination, but I was extremely sure that I felt it.
you don't just experience fear out of nothing and I already hate this sickening, disgusting emotion.

I promised myself I would never feel it again or go through it anytime soon. But here I'm standing still in the middle of the snacks isle with fear filled bones and an almost paralysed body. If anyone was to pass beside me now they would laugh their asses off because I'm sure seeing someone with hands frozen midway and an almost popping eyes out of shock with an even more paler face than my pale complextion is a funny sight.

As I came over my shock I took a huge breath of air through my nose trying to identify if what I'm thinking is here is actually present or no. and to my utter relief, No. they are not here it felt like they were just leaving and thank God for that as I didn't want to encounter any of them now, or ever again in the near or far future. even In the afterlife. I just want a peaceful life!

I quickly grabbed what I came for and took off with my truck after getting done and resumed my long trip again.


Reaching my destination, it was midnight and even though I don't need sleep to survive I still felt a bit tired so I was hoping they would greet me with a ready room or else I would lash out at whoever annoys me even if it's a minor thing. When I'm cranky I get a bit violent. which is always anyway.

I entered the huge gates after I showed my invitation to the security cameras. and as I drove through the long drive way I could see some people and cars waiting at the castle entrance which confused me a bit but I finally arrived and I'm sure my grand entrance did not go unnoticed by everyone.

I parked my car and got out, closing the door behind me I was greeted by Antonio Alvarez himself and his beautiful wife along with what seemed to be a few council representatives of different species. I could tell that there was witches, vampires, werewolves, faires and more.

"Good evening or shall I say good morning Mr. Millviele. I'm the head of council as you already know and this is my lovely mate and wife Armeen" Antonio said smiling slightly as he shaked my hands in a greeting and pointed to his wife.
"Good morning it is indeed. It's already past midnight. I apologize if I arrived at such a late time but It's a pleasure meeting you both." I replied as I shaked her hands as well trying to smile for their sake. But It was a tight smile that I couldn't help, I haven't smiled in over eighteen years and I don't think I could do it now.

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