Chapter 3

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I try to update all my stories at least once a week, some will be updated more often then others. But until one is completed, I do continue to write them.

So no worries on if I will stop writing something. I finish what I start.

I may do sequels to my fanfics in the future, but I'm not gonna start any right now. 


"I know Alya, but I'll just have to miss it this year. I'll make sure to read your blog about it later though!!" Marinette said, desperately trying to make it up to her best friend.

It was the day of the Annual Baking Festival, and she had managed to convince her parents that they should go without her because she was 'sick'. It had been the only plan she and Tikki could think up, so she could turn into Ladybug.

"Alright girl," Alya said. "You know, Adrien isn't here either. So, at least you don't have to think about what you would do if you saw him here." Marinette blushed, knowing that what her friend was saying was very true. Tikki giggled.

"Thanks Alya, you're the best!!"

"Anytime Girl! Catch ya later, this reporter has to catch a ladybug!" With that, Marinette ended the phone call and raced to her window, to make sure her parents were gone.

"You ready Tikki?"

"Yep!" "Tikki, spots on!"


"Look what the cat dragged in," A voice remarked as Ladybug landed on the roof of a building next to the park.

"No cat dragged me anywhere, Chat Noir," she said putting her hands on her hips and turning around to face him.

"What do you think so far?" He asked gesturing to all the crowds of people.

"I think it's amazing, just like every year." she told him confidently.

He just grinned,"Then shall we, M'lady?" He did a sweeping gesture with his arm.

"Don't go all smooth on me know, kitty." She poked his nose.

With that, the two superheroes raced and jumped off the roof- landing perfectly on a stage next to the Mayor. 

Cheers rose up from all the crowds, and Ladybug even spotted Alya with her phone waving it excitedly. Then she saw her parents with beaming smiles. She glanced at Chat to see him smiling and waving at everyone with a devilish gleam in his eye. She rolled her eyes, He definitely has girls falling for him everywhere.

"I would like to thank Paris' superheroes, and welcome them to the Annual Baking Festival!" The Mayor announced, "Ladybug and Chat Noir will be judges in the baking contest as well. Let us all celebrate this wonderful day!"

More cheers and clapping sounded all around the park. Ladybug turned to look at Chat, they smiled at each other.

Maybe this would work out great after all...

Ladybug stood with Chat Noir near the judges table, the contest hadn't started yet- so they were taking pictures with fans. At least until Alya showed up.

"Hi Ladybug, Chat Noir! I'm Alya-" She started to say super excitedly.

"Yeah, the girl who does the LadyBlog!" Ladybug said with a smile,"Great work by the way." She didn't notice Chat glance at her with a smile.

Alya's whole face lit up, "OMG, Thank you sooo much!! Would you guys mind if I asked you a few questions??" she practically begged.

Ladybug glanced at Chat, when he nodded his agreement she nodded to Alya.

"Great! Ok first, Ladybug how old are you really? Like you're not actually 5000 years old right?"

"Oh no! I'm a regular fifteen-year-old girl," She replied with a laugh.

"So you go to school right?" "Yes...but I'm not gonna say where..."

"Okay, this is my last one. Chat Noir, what was kissing Ladybug like?" Alya asked with a smug smile. Ladybug's face felt like it was on fire, and was very aware that Chat had frozen beside her.

"Chat Noir?" Alya asked waving her hand in front of his face.

He snapped out of it, "What kiss? When? Where?" He demanded as if his life depended on it.

"When you guys took down Dark Cupid. I took a video, here," Alya informed him, before pausing her recording of the interview and handing it to him.

Chat snatched it out of her hand, and watched the video like it held all of the world's secrets.

"Er. I- I think... I need," Ladybug stuttered,"Go over there!" She said pointing in a random direction before sprinting off. By that time however, the video had ended- and Chat lifted his head to stare after the love of his life. Before rewinding the video to watch it again, specifically the kiss.

"Can you send this to me??" He asked Alya, who was smirking.


"Oh Marinette, it wasn't that bad," Tikki tried to reason with her. She had detransformed as soon as she was a safe distance from the park.

"I know that it was just a kiss- to save him no less, but- OH GOSH! What do you think he thinks-"

"MARINETTE. Calm down, you can always explain your reasoning to him- but your partners, you can easily work this out. So take a deep breath."

Marinette did as instructed, and sighed,"You're right Tikki, I can do this."

"And it's not like he wouldn't have enjoyed it if he could remember it." Tikki said with a sly smile. Marinette frowned at her, "Not. Helping."

"Okay, but we need to go back. Ladybug is supposed to be there, and your parents-"

"OH! You're right Tikki, my parents love this competition- I need to be there for them!" She exclaimed, "TIKKI, SPOTS ON!"


Sorry this is another short one, but I'll be doing more soon.

Thanks for reading!! :-)

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