Chapter 5

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"I came to see if Ladybug was still with you. I tried calling her, but... no answer," the blond superhero said, jumping down from his perch.

"W-Why," Marinette swallowed, "Would L-ladybug, be h-here? Haha." She nervously laughed. 

He frowned, "I know you guys are friends, Marinette." She froze, How could she have forgotten?

"O-of course!" She said rubbing the back of her neck, "Ladybug, my friend! Um, I assume she went home already... after she found me, of course!" Marinette clasped her hands in front of her, waiting anxiously.

"Oh! Right, of course. Haha," Chat Noir said in embarrassment at not realizing that sooner. ", wait. Aren't you sick? You shouldn't be out here." He said in a concerned tone.

Marinette blinked in surprise, "Well, I always come out here. Being sick wouldn't stop me from that," she leaned on the railing of the balcony,"Look, you can see so much of Paris. And it's beautiful-"

Chat drowned out most of what she said, and simply stood there watching her. He was stunned, to say the least, she'd never really spoken much to Adrien- so he didn't even know her likes or dislikes. But one thing was for sure, Adrien would never see Marinette like Chat Noir got to.

Her eyes were dancing as she smiled, and she spoke with a confidence and passion about Paris- just like Ladybug. I wonder if that's where LB gets it from? Or maybe the other way around?

When Marinette noticed him being quiet and watching her, she blushed in embarrassment for rambling off at him. "S-sorry, guess I got carried away," she laughed nervously.

He smiled at her, "It's fine, you actually remind me a bit of my lady, I'm glad she has such a great friend." She blinked, before blushing- and then immediately slapped her cheeks. What's wrong with me? 

"Hahaha," Chat burst out laughing, at her silliness. He went over to her and leaned against the railing with her, "You're right, it is a great view." She smiled at him softly.

How is she so easy with me? Does she really not like Adrien that much? Chat wondered.

"But..." He said dragging the word out, "You're still sick. You shouldn't really be out here this long." Before she could even protest, he had picked her up and carried her into her room.

"WAH! Chat! Put me down!" Marinette shrieked, ''You didn't really have to do that!"

Chat just chuckled at her, "Just helping out a damsel in distress," he winked at her, making her blush even more. But she tried to hide it with her hands.

"Well, thanks." She said shoving his arms away, "Uh- nice seeing you Chat. BYE!!" She began shoving him out, before he saw all her pictures of Adrien.

"Wait-" the door slammed shut before he could say anything else.

Outside, Chat Noir scratched his head. I'll have to check on her and make sure she's feeling good tomorrow at school, Ladybug must've been really worried about her friend earlier...

Inside, Marinette sighed out in relief as she flopped onto her bed. "Tikki, we've got a problem..." she mumbled into her pillow.

"At least he's not suspicious that you're ladybug, Marinette. It'll keep him from finding out."

"True..." she lifted her head to look at her kwamii.

"And on the bright side, that was probably a one-time visit anyways." Marinette beamed at Tikki, thankful for her optimism.

"You're probably right, Tikki." She smiled, "I'm just being paranoid." Tikki giggled, and Marinette kissed her head, "Goodnight Tikki."

"Goodnight Marinette, you deserve it."


"CAMEMBERT!!" Plagg shouted in joy flying over to the plate of stinky cheese.

Adrien didn't even pay attention, he just sighed and made his way over to the large windows. He ignored the loud sounds of Plagg chewing with his mouth open, and focused on the buildings of Paris. He thought back to Marinette on the balcony.

He'd never seen her like that, but he liked that side of her- the side she didn't hide from him.

But then his thoughts turned to the kiss he and ladybug had shared, even though he couldn't remember it, he smiled at the memory of the video. And how flustered his lady had looked.

"You went from serious-in-thought to smiling-in-thought, in two seconds," Plagg commented, coming up to him.

"Because Plagg, I learned something new about the girl I love."

I'm sorry it took me so long to finally get this up!! (Also about that *little* cliffhanger that was there for like two days...)

But I really hope this chapter didn't disappoint, so please let me know what you think!

So... which ship do you think I'm gonna introduce next???

Person who guesses correctly, gets a shout out :-)

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