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This chapter is dedicated to homeschooler15


''Master Fu!" Marinette Agreste greeted the old man with a smile,"It's been awhile!"

''Indeed Ladybug, indeed," he smiled,"I haven't seen you or Chat Noir, since your wedding."

The woman blushed at the mention of her husband,"Yes, well-"

''Ma Ma!!" A little girl with blonde pigtails cried, running up to her mother and holding onto her leg,"Hugo-"

"Don't believe a word she says, Mama!!" A dark-haired boy ran into the room, with another girl hot on his heels,"I didn't do anything as bad as she claims!"

"That's not true!" The girl behind him exclaimed.

''Kids, this is an old friend of mine," Marinette said, gesturing to Master Fu.

All three children quieted down at once, looking at the man with curiosity-filled eyes. The boy had black hair and green eyes, he seemed to be around 12 years old. And the two girls were clearly twins, both with blonde hair and blue eyes and probably around the age of 10.

Master Fu leaned down to look at Hugo in the eye, ''I think you take more after your mother, young man," He smiled gently.

''My dad says that all the time," Hugo grinned.

''And you two lovely ladies are?" He looked at the twins.

''I'm Lily," the one with pigtails said, before pointing to her sister,"And this is Annie." Annie gave a tiny wave and a shy smile.

''Well then, I see you and Adrien have your hands full," Master Fu grinned at Marinette.

''Along with our other jobs... I suppose so," She said, giving him a meaningful look.

''Ah, I see," The old man walked to the living room to sit down,"When does the black cat get home?"

''He should be on his way right now," The woman informed him,"I'll get everyone some tea- I think we'll need it."

Adrien Agreste sat with his wife on the loveseat across from the man who'd given them their Miraculouses. Their three children sat on the couch, watching Master Fu intently. It made them look almost like triplets.

Tikki and Plagg decided to come out and play with the kids, while Master Fu spoke.

''I think some hard villains will be coming soon, and as we only have Ladybug and Chat Noir right now... some other heroes are needed," The old man said, before glancing at the children,"Your kids know?"

''They found out about a year ago," Marinette explained.

"They were ecstatic about their parents being superheroes," Adrien gave a mischievous smile.

"Well, perhaps they would like to join you?" The old man pulled out three small boxes, setting them on the coffee table.

Marinette and Adrien exchanged shocked looks, while their kids began to jump up and down on the furniture.

"I want to be a magical girl!!" Lily and Annie shouted, high-fiving each other.

Their mother folded her arms gave her husband a look,''They get that from you." To which, he merely shrugged,"They get their looks from their mother," He winked.

''Are you sure about this Master Fu?" Marinette asked the old man, glancing at her excited children.

''What's better than a family of superheroes?" Master Fu asked,"Besides, LadyNoir for life."

Adrien fell over laughing, while his wife threw her hands in the air.

Light filled the room, and all three adults looked over to see the children had opened their boxes.

"Hugo, you get the Peacock Miraculous."

"Lily, you have the Fox Miraculous."

''And Annie, you have the Bee Miraculous."

Suited up, all three kids beamed at their parents- who had the proudest smiles on their faces. Except Adrien was also crying at the same time.

''Well, I should be on my way-" Master Fu winked at them,"Have fun."


I'm not the only one crying, right?


Hope you guys enjoyed it, Please:



Let me know what you think!!

:-) Have a lovely day!! ~LanonaWalker

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