So, as promised... whoever guessed what ship I would be introducing next, gets a shout out.
Here's a shout out to arielstella3322
In this fanfiction, I'm trying to introduce each ship of the love square. I hope to develop them more in this too. (I also may add other ships that catch my interest for side characters.)
So, the rest of you will just have to watch for which ship comes next.
I hope you guys like it!! :-)
"Alya! I'm so sorry I couldn't make it- but you took pictures right?" Marinette attacked her best friend with a hug.
"Haha. Yeah girl, you won't believe it! I got to do an interview with Ladybug and Chat Noir!" Alya exclaimed excitedly, "And- I showed Chat Noir the video of when ladybug saved him with a kiss. He re-watched it five times, and then asked me to send it to him!!"
"Wow Alya! That's fantastic, did you get any new leads or ideas for ladybug's secret identity?"
"Not really, but I'm sure I'll narrow it down soon. We already know she goes to school here-" The sudden appearance of two boys cut her off. "Hey Alya, hey Marinette."
"A- Adri- en! H- Hi!" Marinette stuttered out, while Alya face-palmed.
"Er, hi." Adrien said nervously, with a little wave. Nino didn't seem to notice anything weird, he just talked with Alya.
"So, I-um... heard your parents won the baking contest!" Adrien managed to get out.
"Oh! Y-yes," Marinette squeaked, blushing, she didn't say anymore- she would probably say something super embarrassing if she did.
"That's great! Congratulations! I heard Ladybug and Chat Noir were there too..." He wanted to see her reaction when he said ladybug's name. She was really good at hiding her friendship with the famous superhero, even from her best friend -Alya.
"T- that's what A- Alya said... um, hehe," Marinette tried desperately to be understandable.
"Yeah! I got an interview with them!! Wanna see?!" Alya exclaimed excitedly. But before they could say anything, the bell rang and they all had to run to class.
Marinette was ecstatic about Adrien congratulating her and her parents. That was so sweet of him, She sighed. She almost failed to notice Adrien tilt his head so he could glance at her. Her face burned red.
WAS IT WEIRD? DOES HE KNOW??? WHAT DO I DOO???? Marinettte screamed in her head.
"Alright class, before the bell rings you can have some time to yourselves," the teacher announced.
Marinette turned to Alya, "Hey, can I see the video now?"
"Sure girl!!" Alya pulled it up on her phone and showed it to Marinette. ''What do you think? It's so cool isn't it?!" Marinette laughed and agreed with her friend. "And I think there may be something between the two little superheroes..."
"W-Why... What makes you say that?!" Marinette exclaimed. This time she did miss Adrien spinning around to listen to them.
"Just a hunch," Alya said poking Mari's nose.
"Hahaha, y-yeah. A hunch, right..." Marinette said nervously. Adrien glanced at her, curious about her reaction... Had Ladybug said something about the subject to her best friend, Marinette?
Before he could say anything, the bell rung. Marinette and Alya waited until most of the students had gone before leaving to their next class. Nino noticed that Adrien had stayed behind.
"Hey dude, c'mon class is over," he shook his friend's shoulder to get his attention. "Huh? Oh, yeah let's go." Walking to their next class, all Adrien thought about was Ladybug and Marinette's relationship. Being friends, Ladybug would tell Marinette if she liked Chat Noir....wouldn't she?
The rest of the day went by quickly for the two secret superheroes. Marinette and Alya excitidly talked about school, Adrien, and ladybug. When the school day was over Alya walked with her to the bakery. At night, she and Tikki stood on her balcony, looking over the city of Paris together.
Adrien stayed mostly in his thoughts, but hung out with Nino until the school day was over. Later that night, he stood at his window, with plagg eating cheese on his shoulder, just looking out at the city he and his lady fight to protect. I wonder if I'll ever know who she is under the mask?
And...that's it for this chapter.
I'm sorry it's short!! I've been rushing to finish this chapter, and I was busy with my other projects.
I hope you guys liked it!!
:-) Have a lovely day!! ~LanonaWalker