Chapter One

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"Alyssa!" I heard my mum shout from downstairs. I was getting ready for my graduation and I was almost done.

"Yes?" I shouted back.

"Are you almost ready?" She asked.

"Yeah hold on!" I said. I was wearing a light pink lace dress that was long in the back and short in the front, it had a skinny brown belt that went around my stomach, and along with that I had on brown wedged heels. My make up was done naturally, and my hair was perfectly curled. I looked my self over in the full length mirror and nodded in approval. I walked over to my night stand and grabbed my black iPhone 5s, and before I walked out I created a new tweet.

@Its_Aly_ going to my graduation! :D xx

Aly was a nickname my friends had gave me when I was younger. I sighed and walked out of my room and went downstairs. In the living room were my mom, dad, brother, and my future husband Zayn. Yes, Zayn from One Direction. I had learned that he was in a world famous band after my mum had told me we were getting married. And him being in a band is just another reason we shouldn't get married.

"Oh honey you look gorgeous!" Mum said standing up.

"Thank you." I said smiling.

"Ready to go?" Dad asked. I nodded and headed for the door. I walked up to the car and got in the back, I left the door open for Zayn. When he was getting in I smiled at him and he returned it. I mean c'mon! We were getting married in 3 months we had to at least pretend we didn't hate each other.

We had to pretend we didn't hate each other because he was in One Direction. And he couldn't tell the media that he was forced into marriage because that would just cause a lot of drama. So we had to go out, pretend like we were madly in love, and I even had to get an engagement ring, so that the people won't get suspicious. The ring was a three stone engagement ring. It had a big diamond in the middle with smaller ones on either side of the big one, and on the silver band were small little diamonds. I really loved the ring, but it was weird, seeing as I was forced into this.

We pulled up to the school and we all got out. I made my way over to where all the graduates had to meet up to get our cap and gowns. In there I saw my best friend Miranda and my other friend Hannah.

"Hey guys!" I said walking up to them.

"Hey Alyssa! You look beautiful!" Hannah said.

"Thank you! You too!" I said. Hannah was wearing a white flower print dress that went down to her knees, along with that she had on white heels and her curly hair was straightened. Miranda was wearing a peach color dress with a sweetheart neckline and it went down to her knees as well. She had on brown wedged heels, that kinda looked like mine, her hair was curled as well. "You too Miranda." I said smiling at the girls.

"Thanks." They said. I smiled and went to get my cap and gown. I quickly put them on and walked back to the girls.

"So is Zayn here?" Miranda asked.

"Uh yeah. He's with my parents." I said. Miranda, Hannah, the rest of the boys of One Direction, mine and Zayn's family, all know that this marriage is forced. And they had all said they wouldn't tell anyone.

"Oh okay. So what are you doing after this?" She asked.

"Um I think we are just going out to eat. You?" I asked.

"The same. But then at 8 I'm throwing a graduation party, you guys can come." She said. Hannah and I grinned and nodded.

"Sure!" We both said. Just then all of the Year 12 teachers came in and smiled at all of us.

"Okay! Are you guys ready to graduate!?" Mr. Henderson said. We all shouted 'yeah!'

"Okay then! Get in line the way it was when we rehearsed!" Mrs. Scott told us. Because my last name began with a 'C' I had to go in the front. Along with Miranda, I made my way towards the front. I was the last person with a 'C' last name, so I knew exactly where to go. Once we were all in line we started walking towards the auditorium. When we got there we waited outside the doors until they called us.

"Ladies and gentlemen I would like to present to you the class of 2013!" The principle said. The line then started and we walked in. Inside were a lot of people all friends, family, or faculty. Once we where all seated the valedictorian, Stacy Rogers, walked onto the stage to give her speech.

"Hello and welcome to the 2013 year 12 graduation! I want to start off by thanking every teacher that has helped us through everything. Who has taught us what we know. Who were there when we needed someone. The teachers are what brought us here. They told us to never give up. And look at where we are now, because we didn't give up.

I also want to thank our parents. For helping us with our homework. For buying the stuff we needed for projects that were due. For always being there for us. You were the ones who woke us up when it was the first day of school. You were the ones who cheered us up when someone was bullying us. You're the ones who helped us when we were stressed from the amount of work. You also told us to never give up. When there were days we didn't want to go to school because we knew we had a test or something, you were the ones why told us 'if you don't go then you are going to fail.' And that's what made us get up.

Lastly I want to talk to all the graduates here in front of me. Here's a quote from Dr. Seuss, "You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you chose. You're on your own. And you know, what you know. You are the guy who'll decide where to go." I think that quote is really inspiring. We're graduating! We can do anything at all! Most of us will go off to college, while the rest of us won't do anything. No one knows if we are going to have a good life or a bad one. But only you can control that. We are the ones who choose what to do. We're the ones that know if we want a good life or a bad one. I want all of you to make it to college and have a good life. I want to one day run into you and see you with your family all happy. Wow, I sound like a teacher! But it's true! We all deserve a good life! But that can only happen if we choose a good path. I'm proud of every single one of you! And hope you make it somewhere in life! Congratulations to the class of 2013!" She finished of. We all clapped at her beautiful speech. A lot of the graduates were tearing up, but not full on sobbing.

"Thank you Stacy!" The principle said. Then everyone got their diplomas and we were all standing up.

"The class of 2013 everyone!" The principle shouted. We all cheered and threw our caps in the air.

I did it. I actually did it. I finished school! And now I can only hope that I go to college!

A/N HI! How are you guys? Thank you for reading this, it means a lot. Picture of the engagement ring is on the side -------> or up there ^^^ if you are on Mobil :) and i don't know if it actually works ? So let me know

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Lots if love

-gabby <3

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