Chapter Five

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"Why isn't Zayn helping?" I asked annoyed. We've been planning for almost two hours now, and we have nothing,

"Who would you like for you're bridesmaids?" My mom asked, ignoring my question.

"How many do I have to have?" I asked.

"5 bridesmaids and 1 maid of honor. 6 total." She answered.

"Okay, Miranda for maid of honor, and Zayn's sisters Doniya, Waliyha, Louis' sister Fizzy , Hannah, and Kylie." I said. Kylie was my cousin, and we were more like sisters. So of course she had to be a bridesmaids. I saw my mom write down the names.

"Okay. Well I think we will continue this tomorrow, you can do whatever you want now." She told me. I nodded and leaned back in my chair. I took out my phone and saw that it was 6:45. I decided on texting Miranda.

To: Miranda<3 hey. You still wanna go out? We could go for dinner? Xx

From: Miranda<3 sure! Xx

To: Miranda<3 okay, I'll pick you up. Xx

"I'm going out to eat with Miranda." I said, standing up.

"Okay honey." Mom said.

"Bye Tricia!" I said to Zayn's mom.

"Bye sweetheart." She said smiling. I smiled and walked out of the kitchen. I went upstairs to get my keys. Once I got them I ran out and into my car.

"Hey bitch!" Miranda said, getting into the car. I chuckled a her.

"Hey, you ready?" I said.

"Yeah, let's go." I nodded and drove away.

"Where to?" I asked.

"Uh, Olive Garden!" She squealed. Olive Garden was a Italian restaurant, and it was really good. I made the short trip to Olive Garden. Once we got there, we got out and went in.

"Hi, just two." I said to the waiter.

"Okay, follow me." She said. We followed her to the back, where there were less people.

"Your waiter will be here shortly." She said. We nodded and sat down. I picked up my menu and began looking,

"Hi, my name is Bryan and I will be you're waiter tonight. Can I start you off with a drink?" He said. I looked up and saw him. He was hot! But not my type.

"I'll have a coke." Miranda said.

"And I'll have a sprite." I ordered. Bryan nodded and looked at me. He winked at me before he left. Ew.

"Did you see that!?" I whispered-shout at Miranda.

"Yes! Isn't this supposed to be a fancy restaurant?" She said.

"I know right!" I said.

"And besides you're engaged!" She said, I nodded and rolled my eyes. Don't guys have respect? Bryan probably hits on every girl he sees. And that's disgusting.

"Okay, here you are." Bryan came back, with our drinks. "Do you know what you would like?"

"I would like the Chicken Cesar pasta." Miranda said. He nodded and looked at me.

"And for you sweetheart." He said. I gagged in my mind.

"Um, I'm engaged so I suggest you stop, and I'll have the Chicken Alfredo pasta." I said smiling sweetly. He looked taken back but nodded.

"Sorry. I'll have those out shortly." He said before walking away. Miranda burst out laughing, me just grinning.

"Well, he needs to learn not to flirt with every girl!" I said.

"Yeah. So what's up with you and Zayn?" She asked, I shrugged.

"I don't know, I mean we're trying to work this out." I said. "It's like we're together, but we're not."

"What do you mean?" She asked.

"Like, we're together for our parents and management and the fans. But we're not together for us. Neither me or him want to be with each other." I said, she nodded.

"Do you think either of you will ever gain feeling for each other?" She said.

"I don't know, maybe." I shrugged. The food then came and we dug in. That one question was running through my head.

Will we ever gain feeling for each other?

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