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⠀"I'm home!" I called out to my parents.

⠀"Alyssa, honey could you come into the kitchen please?" I heard my Mum's voice say.

⠀My name is Alyssa Cunningham, and I'm 18 years old. I live in Bradford, England with my mom, Rose, my dad, Carl, and my older brother, Drake. I'm a senior at Bradford High and will be graduating in 3 months. I'm mostly know as a carefree person. I love to go out to parties, and just hang out with my friends. My best friend is Miranda Collins. We've know each other since we were just babies, and have been best friends ever since then and plan on staying friends.

⠀"Yes?" I asked my mom, walking into the kitchen. But my mom wasn't the only one there. There were three other people there. A women who looked just the same age as mum, an older man, and a younger guy, probably around my age. There was something that irked me, though. He did not look happy.

⠀"This is Tricia, Yaser, and Zayn." She said pointing to each of them. Zayn had dark brown, almost black, hair, brown eyes, and tattoos-- lots of them. He looked really attractive, but not my type. Something about him told me to stay away. Not to mention, that right now, he looked like he could punch the living daylight out of someone.

⠀"Hello," I said, trying to be polite. They all said hello, Zayn mumbling a 'hey'.

⠀"Alyssa, sit down." My mom said, pulling out a chair next to her. I nodded and did as I was told.

⠀"So, Alyssa how are you?" Tricia questioned.

⠀"I'm good, thank you." I said smiling, she smiled back and looked at my mom.

⠀"So Alyssa we have to tell you something." My mom said, looking down at me. I nodded telling her to go on. "Zayn, here is just around the same age as you, just 5 months older," she began. "Well, Tricia, Yaser, your father and I have been thinking and we want you and Zayn to get married."

⠀My eyes widen. Did I hear her correctly? Or am I hearing things? No I'm pretty sure I heard her, and I do not like what she said.

⠀"What?" I asked, completely thrown off by her sudden decision.

⠀"You and Zayn are getting married." She said one more time. I jumped out of my seat looking at her.

⠀"What!? You want me to marry someone I don't even know!? You're forcing me into marriage!?" I shouted. I knew I wasn't being polite with guest here, but I honestly didn't care. This is beyond ridiculous.

⠀"Honey sit down. Yes, we want you guys to get married." I sat down and glared at her.


⠀"Because you are about to graduate high school and you need to grow up. Zayn here, has already graduated." She said. I looked over at him and saw that he was glaring at the ground.

⠀He looked like any minute now he would go crazy. And I could too.

⠀"Zayn is a great guy. He would be a great husband." Tricia said. A great husband? He's covered in tattoos! And he looked like he can kill someone with his bare hands!

⠀"No! I will not marry him!" I exclaimed.

⠀"And what's so wrong with me?" Zayn started me by talking for the first time. He had a thick British accent, that was-- I'm not going to lie--attractive.

⠀No Alyssa.

⠀"I don't even know you! And I don't want to get married!" I continued, "Especially not this early!"

⠀"Like I want to get married! Especially to you!" He shouted back.

⠀"Zayn!" Yaser said. I stared at Zayn with the same amount of fury in my eyes?

⠀"Alyssa, honey, I'm sorry but you will be getting married in 6 months." My dad said. I snapped my head back at him, my eyes widening.

⠀"6 months!?" I asked, he nodded. That's all I needed to know, before I lost it. I jumped out of my seat, knocking it over, and ran to my room. I could hear my mum shouting at me, but I didn't care. I just ran up the stairs until I had finally gotten to my room and slammed the door shut. I ran to my bed, and stuffed my head into the pillow and let the tears run freely.

⠀Marriage was supposed to be when you get committed to the one person you want to be with. Marriage is not where you get chosen who you will get committed to. Marriage is supposed to be a girls special day. It's where she can dress up like a princess and feel like a princess.

⠀But not mine. My marriage is all going to be a lie. Neither me or Zayn is going to mean it when we say that we will love each other till death do us apart. It's all just going to be a big fat lie. Why? Because we are being forced into this. We don't want to get married to each other. But we can't do anything about it.

⠀Soon I'm going to be married to someone I don't even know, and I'm not so happy about that.

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