Chapter Four

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I don't know why I got so mad when that guy took Alyssa's hand. I mean, I'm getting married to her! Don't I have to protect her? No it wasn't because there was paparazzi around, and management would get mad if I didn't stand up for Alyssa, that I yelled at him. I don't know what it was, but I just go so mad.

'Thats because you're jealous idiot!'

'I am not jealous!'

'Yes you are.'


'Yes, c'mon face it! You're getting married to her! Of course you like her!'



Great, now I was talking to myself. I looked over at Alyssa and saw that she was looking out the window. I know for a fact she doesn't like me. She just thinks I'm an ignorant superstar who doesn't care about anyone but themselves. So why should I like her? I shouldn't waste my time. And besides I still love Perrie. I was going to ask her to marry me, not Alyssa.

We arrived at the mall and we hopped out. I took her hand in mine, so people won't get suspicious.

"So, where to?" She asked me.

"Uh, how about Express?" I said.

"Sure." We made our way to the store, hand in hand.

After about two hours of shopping, I finally found some clothes I liked. Alyssa had gotten some clothes as well. We were now on our way to the food court so we could get some smoothies.

"Hello, what can I get for you?" The lady asked.

"I'll have the Caribbean Way." Alyssa said.

"And I'll have the mango smoothie." I said. The cashier nodded and put the orders in.

"Okay, your total comes to $5.20" I nodded and go out the exact change. We then stepped to the side and waited for the drinks.

"Are we going home now?" Alyssa asked.

"Yeah." I answered. Our orders were ready so we grabbed them and left. We got to the exit, only to find a dozen paparazzi. I groaned and pulled Alyssa closer to me. We walked out with our heads down and mouths shut. When we finally got to the car, I helped her into the passenger seat and jogged over to the drivers side. I got in and quickly turned it on. Alyssa was drinking away and I decided to turn on the radio. Little Mix "Wings" came blasting threw. I smiled at myself.

"Mama told me not to waste my life. She said spread your wings my little butterfly, don't let what they say keep you up at night. And they can't detain you. Cause wings are made to fly, and we don't let nobody bring us down. No matter what you say, it won't hurt me. Don't matter if I fall from the sky, these wings were made to fly." And then Perrie's beautiful voice began.

"I'm firing up on that runaway, I know we're gonna get there someday. But we don't need no "Ready. Steady. Go!" No." We then arrived at my house. Alyssa was going to drop me off, since I spent the night, and take her car home.

"So, uh, I'll see you." She said walking over the drivers side.

"Yeah." I said. She then got in and looked up at me.

"Okay, I should get going." She said. I nodded and closed the door.

"Bye!" I shouted, she smiled and waved. I ran to the door and watched her drive away.


When I got home, Zayn's moms car was parked on my drive way. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. Shouldn't she be at work? I asked myself. I shrugged and walked in. No one was in the living room, so I guess they were in the kitchen. I went up to my room, to put my stuff away. When I was done with that, my phone buzzed saying I had a text.

From: Miranda<3 hey bitch! Xx

To: Miranda<3 what's up? Xx

From: Miranda<3 nothing, I'm bored. Wanna go out? Xx

To: Miranda<3 sure! When? Xx

From: Miranda<3 ASAP! Xx

To:Miranda<3 okay! I'll pick you up! Xx

Putting my phone in my pocket, I jogged down the stairs. I went into the kitchen, to greet Tricia. I walked in and saw my mom and her sitting at the table, with papers all over.

"Hello Tricia!" I said, walking up to them. They both looked at me.

"Oh, Aly honey! It's so good you're back! We have to start planning your wedding!" My mom said. I stared at her in shock.

"What!?" I shouted.

"Yes! We have 3 months left, we have to get started!" She said.

"But I'm going out!" I said.

"Well cancel those plans!" My mom said. I still stared at her in shock. "Now!" She said again. I groaned and pulled out my phone.

To: Miranda<3 I'm really sorry but I have to cancel our plans. My mom is making me plan the wedding!! :o next time yeah? I'm sorry! Love you! Xx

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