Chapter Eight

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"What on earth is this?!" Liam shouts the minute I walk into the flat. I grab his phone that he's shoving in my face. Damn Liam chill. On the screen is a picture of Perrie and I laughing at Chick-Fil-A. Oh.
"Uhm,.." Fuck how am I supposed to explain this? "Well we were hungry so we thought we could go out as 'friends' and not get caught." I say.
"Well you did! And now everyone is freaking out that you're cheating on Alyssa. How are you going to explain this?" He says. Ugh.
"I'll just tell them what I originally thought. We went out as friends." I shrug and plop down on the couch. He looks furious and is about to say something when the rest of the lads walk in. Thank you!
"Hey mate!" Harry greets, I smile at him and at the rest, while they too sit on the couch.
"What are you so mad about now, Liam?" Niall asks.
"Nothing." He says and walks into the kitchen. Niall shrugs and looks over at me.
"Where's Alyssa?"
"Home. I'm going to go pick her up in a few. We are going to look at the cake and decorations, picking up the bridesmaids dresses, and then probably going out to dinner." I sigh. The lads all look at me with pity. When I first told them about the arranged marriage, let's just say it didn't go well. They hated Alyssa. Over the days though, they eventually accepted her. Except, they still aren't very pleased about the marriage. But I don't think anyone has a say in it, except our parents.
"Well when you're done come on over and we can watch a movie and have a few drinks." Louis suggests. I nod and look at my phone. I should probably get going.
"Alright, I'm going to go now. I'll see you later." I say, they chorus 'bye' and I walk out the door. I get into my car and race off.

Looking for a wedding dress is literally the hardest thing ever. I've been looking at website after website and didn't find anything. Why am I even trying so hard? I hear my phone ring and I pick it up, seeing it was Miranda.
"Hey" I greet.
"What's up?"
"Looking for a wedding dress. I cannot find anything, any website recommendations?"
"Is it any good?"
"Hell yeah! My aunt got hers there and let me tell you it gorgeous!"
"Alright, I'll look. I'll call you later I'm going to look."
"Okay! Bye."
"Bye." I hang up. I type in the website on my laptop and wait for it to load. After a minute many different types of wedding dress fill the page. I scroll them and still none catch my eye. I got to page 10, and I see it.
It's exactly how I picture it. Flowy and puffy, but not to much. A belt like diamond across the middle, with a sweetheart neckline. It was simple, yet beautiful. It was exactly how I pictured it. I clicked on it and read about it. And thank god that the location was close to us. I called my mom up to room and showed her.
"Wow Aly! It's gorgeous! Let's go look at it tomorrow. Are you ready to go out with Zayn?" She asks. I nod, bookmark the website and shut down the computer. I get up grab my purse and run down the stairs. My brother, Drake, is sitting on the couch watching some football (soccer) I walk over and sit next to him.
"Hey little sis." He says smiling at me.
"Hey" I reply.
"Going out with Zayn?" He asks, I nod. "You know we haven't hung out ever since you found out about the marriage. Wanna hang out tomorrow?" He asks. We were always close, we did everything together. He was only a year and a half older than me, but he was also very protective over me. He was so angry at my parents when he found out about Zayn. He never really liked Zayn and I think he still doesn't.
"Yeah sure." I smile at him, he smiles back and suddenly we hear a knock. Ugh here we go.
I walk to the door and Zayn is standing in the doorway. He smiles at me when he looks up.
"Hey, you ready?" He asks.
"Yeah, let's go." I say and walk out. I climb into the passengers side, and turn on the radio.
"Where to first?" Zayn asks as he backs out of the drive way.
"Decorations. So when we pick out a theme, it'll be easy to choose the cake." I explain. He nods and drives to the decoration place. I sigh, and look out the window.
Why did I have to grow up so fast? All I wanted to do after I graduated was to travel around the world with my best friends. I defiantly didn't plan on getting married. Every eighteen year old dreams of finally being free and not having to worry about anything. Be free for a while, and then worry about what they were going to do with their life. But no. Not me. I have to be forced and grow up. Get married to a world wide famous guy. And pretend that I'm in love.
"You coming?" Zayn asks. I didn't even notice we were here already. I nod and climb out of the car. Once we are inside, we are greeted by two beautiful women who look around the age of twenty-five.
"Hello, what can we do for you today?" One of them says and I look at her name tag and see "Melissa" printed on.
"Well we are looking for wedding decorations." I answer.
"Oh! Congratulations! If you come with me to the back I'll show you what we have. Oh and my name is Melissa and this is my assistant Kendra." She smiles. I smile at Kendra who returns the gesture. We walk to the back and see many decorations. None of which that catch my eye.
"Do you know the color of your theme?" Melissa asks.
"Summer, and the color will be a peach color." I answer, while still looking around. I notice Zayn is looking at one in particular. And I walk over to him. In front of us if a circular table in the color of a light peach color. In the center was a big bouquet of flowers in all types of summer colors. Behind the table is a somewhat poster and it has a view of the mountains and at the top of the room is lanterns.
"Wow." I say.
"Yeah. I like it." Zayn agrees.
"Oh this one! This one is actually located her in Bradford ! The place is just about 30 minutes from her. And you see the exact same view as the picture." Melissa explains. I look over at Zayn and smile. He sees me and smiles back.
"This is the one." He says and looks over at Melissa and Kendra, who both grin widely.
"Great! Kendra will you go get the paperwork?" She asks her assistant, who scurries off towards the front. "We can book the place right now, do you know the date yet?"
"August 15th." We answer at the exact time, which causes her to smile. At the same time, Kendra comes back with a folder.

Around an hour later, the place is booked and payed for and the decorations have been ordered. We are currently going over to a bakery called Kate's Kakes, which apparently has the best cakes in Bradford.
"What kind do you think we should get?" Zayn asks.
"Uh I don't know, some type of vanilla. Something simple, yet delicious." I answer.
"I was thinking the same" he says, smiling at me. I smile back and realize we are here. I unbuckle and walk to the bakery. At a circular desk is a blonde, who I think is Kate.
"Hi, welcome to Kate's Kakes, I'm Kate what can I do for you?" The blonde says, who proves my thoughts correct.
"We're here to pick out a wedding cake." I answer politely.
"Awe! Congratulations! Do you know what flavor?" She smiles.
"You're best vanilla flavor." Zayn answers this time.
"Excellent! Follow me." Kate says and walks towards the back. We follow her, and she leads us to what seems like a kitchen. All around are different types of cakes.
"Mark get us a sample of Vanilla please ! The best kind." She calls. A guy looks up and nods. A minute later he sets down a piece of cake with two forks in front of Zayn and I. We each get a piece, and try it. And oh my gosh ! This is the best cake I've ever had. I moan in delight.
"This one." Zayn says, getting another piece. I nod eagerly.
"Great! Now how would your cake to look? Do you need me to get the books so you can get an idea?" Kate asks. I look over at Zayn who nods. She nods back, and goes over to a table to grab a stack of books. Finishing the cake, I grab Zayn and I a book. I browse through some really beautiful cakes, but there's one I really like.
It's a four layer cake. With the top one having a floral print and a bundle of flowers in a light brownish color. The next layer didn't have a floral print it was just cream color, but it a had a big M with two edible pearls on each side of the letter.The M standing for Malik. The next layer is as well floral print, and the last one plain cream color. The layers are separated by pearls as well. All in all, I wanted this one.
"You like that one?" I hear Zayn ask. I guess he caught me admiring it. I look over at him and nod. He smiles at me and looks at Kate.
"Can you do this one?" He asks. She looks over and grins.
"Most certainly!" She beams. "When's the wedding.?" She asks.
"August 15th" I answer.
"Okay! We will make sure to have it ready, but if you will just sign this paper confirming your order." She says. Zayn signs it, and hands it back to her. "All right. Congratulations! We will make sure the cake is perfect!" We thank her and walk out. Once we are in the car, Zayn says.
"This is going good so far."
"Yeah.." I say.
"Now for the dresses....." He says...

A/N omg guys I'm so sorry I haven't updated! :( I've been pretty busy, with school and everything. I hope you can forgive me :* well I hope everyone had wonderful holidays! And let me tell you Forced is hitting the road this year! I'll try to update at least once every other week. But no promises!!
Also I will be writing other stories so stay tuned!
Okay I think that's all my lovelies. Hope you liked the fairly long chapter!

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Lots of love
-gabby <3

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