Chapter 17

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Finn's P.O.V.

I went back downstairs and joined my father in the living room, thinking about my life. First thing, did I really love Ryan. I decided that was a no because we hadn't spoken in a week because I was planning my revenge on someone and I saw this girl and thought she was amazing in every way. Her name was Eleanor and I was meant to be meeting her a few days after burning myself on tea. But returning to chronological order, I thought about how I was to break it to Ryan, so I asked my father even though I hated him at the moment.

  "Dad, what's the best way to break up with someone?" He turned to face me with a confused look on his face.

  "No idea, why? You're not are you?!" I nodded and continued to pester him.

  "Yes Dad, I am. What should I do? Oh I know! I'll just write a letter. Then I won't feel as bad when I see him." Dad looked at me with sad eyes before leaving to put his suit on for a work meeting he had with Sebastian Moran. I did ask if I could come, but Sebastian said no (he really hates me) and that I'd be a distraction.

  When Dad came down again, he told me one last thing before he left.

  "Finn, you're breaking the heart of the best friend you'll ever have. I hope you do this right." Then the door slammed shut, leaving me alone with silence and my quivering hand which held the pen that will make me possibly lose my best friend.

  'Dear Ryan,

I am sorry to be writing this to you at this point in time seeing as you make important decisions that change your life in some ways good and some ways bad.

  I'm trying to say that I no longer wish to be with you, but however still be able to return to the life we once had, where we were best friends who went shopping every weekend and gaming every Monday.

  If you were interested (which I doubt you are, you're probably really upset) I have met somebody who I hope can do the things for me that you once did. Be a great partner.

  Again, I am very sorry for doing this to you and if you choose not to even bother to speak to me again, then I will accept all the reasons why and all the hate you have to give me.

  I am happy to go out paintballing with you soon, or anything that you want to do, because you are my best friend. The one I always need to be on my side and defend me from evil. I just hope it's the same in your mind.

Forever waiting,

Finnian J. Moriarty (your old best friend)'

I sent the letter on the cold morning of March sixth and sat on the wall behind my house, gazing at the beautiful field of poppies behind it. There was something that stood out in the mass of bright red flowers. A bright blue one, a icy blue poppy lay in the field of red. I squinted to see if this was true and I jumped off the wall into the field.

  When I reached the place where the blue poppy was, I saw it's aquamarine glow and how unusual it looked in the field. I decided to spare it from being taken by someone else and get it for myself to give to Eleanor when I saw her. I quickly dug the blue poppy up, along with tons of earth to stick in a flowerpot at home and ran back, jumped over the wall into the house again.

  "Dad! I found something great!" I shouted up to my father who lay in bed like the lazy arse he is.

  "What is it Finny?" I heard his muffled voice ask.

  "A blue poppy!"

  "A blue poppy?"

  "You heard correctly." I told him.

  "Where is it?"

  "In the kitchen in a pot. But it was in the field behind the garden wall."

  "I'm coming." Dad called to me as he came downstairs. He entered the kitchen and took a look at the blue flower, sitting comfortably between the toaster and the kettle. "Well, that's abnormal." He said, inspecting the plant and all it's features.

  "It's a beauty though, I'm going to give it to Eleanor. She'll be very impressed I'm sure." I said, standing beside the older man.

  "Who's Eleanor? Your new partner?" He asked, looking up at me.

  "Yes. I'm meeting her again in two days." I informed Dad and he nodded before walking away to make a drink for himself. "I'd like one too please." He sighed and got another cup from the cupboard and filled it with juice.

Sherlock's P.O.V.

I picked up my phone with my good arm and typed in a message.

I'm not going to kill your father, but John might. SH

jeez this is a short one *thinks of something rude ehehe* but anyway thank you for reading and waiting for an update. love you all! :D ~lokiismyvillain

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