|Jack| Suicide|

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You read the hate messages from jacks comment section on the last video with you in it.

"Who the fuck does this bitch think she is, dating Jack. She's a fucking whore and does it for his fame."

"Do I need to send this slut a noose?"

"Jack what the hell are you thinking!!!????."

You decide to reply to them. The first one - "You don't need to worry, I'll be gone soon."

Second one- "Don't fret I have one ready for tonight!"

Last one- "I don't know... But he'll find someone new."

You wait for a bit rethinking your life over and over. Your phone goes off, Twitter notifications are going off like mad about the last comments. You decide to turn on Jacks camera and mic.

You smile at the camera the put a chair in the centre of the room. You get the rope and attached to the hook above that was from one of jacks lighting systems. You put it around your neck. I wave to the camera.

You hear the door open and it startles you. The chair falls and you scream for Jack.

The air runs from your lungs. Twenty seconds of coughing and gulping that feel like hours jack bursts in the door with a look of horror.

Tears flooding down your face, now down his. He runs to you.

"(Y/N)! Oh my god baby!" He whispers and grabs you in one hand and takes of the rope from your neck.

He drops down to the floor with you and he cradles you.
"I-I'm sorry" you choke out. You starts sobbing.
"It's okay, but why didn't you tell me that you were sad and needed help. I could have done something baby. If I didn't come home you might not have been here this moment. I love you with all my heart, and I know some of my fans hate you but don't let them live your life. You have your own that's controlled by you. At least eight million people love you, at least! Please don't leave me..." He says comforting you.

You look up into his eyes "Ok."

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