|Mark| Suprise |

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You walked in after a long day at your office, Mark and the gang were sitting on the couch, watching tv.

"Hey guys!" You jumped onto the couch from behind them, plopping in between Mark and Tyler.

"Hey Cass! How was work?" Tyler asked as you got comfortable.

"Boring and stressful." You sighed. The guys nodded, you groaned realizing you probably smell.

"I got to go take a shower, see ya!" You hopped back out of the couch and ran up stairs. "Ok!" Amy yelled.

You heard shuffling and whispers from downstairs, you ignored it as them being their weird selves.

Throwing your phone on the bed and removing your clothes you hoped in the shower.

The hot droplets of water hit your skin, you relaxed for a bit before deciding it was time you probably got out.

After drying yourself off, You put my hair up in a messy bun.

Throwing on some sweats and a tank, You reached for my phone. Just then, the power went out.

This was odd because there was no storm, and never is in Los Angeles.

You picked your phone back up for a flash light, You clicked it on only to see a low battery sign. You sighed and placed the phone on your bed.

This is like a cliché horror movie scene. You thought to yourself.

You decided to go down stairs and see what the other were doing about this situation.

You felt for the wall and continued your way to the door, You slightly fondled the door trying to find the handle.

You finally opened it and walked into the dark hallway. You slowly and carefully started to walk down the stairs.

"Hey Mark? What's going on?" You called out into the darkness I front of you.

There was no response, confused you continued to walk.

"Mark? Where the fuck did you go?" You called out into the darkness of your house.

There was no response, You continued to creeped around the place, heart pounding.

"Amy? Where are you guys?!" You called out panicked. You tried the light switch once more, it didn't work.

You slowly walked around, dragging your hand against the wall feeling your way around.

Your phone was back in your room, dead. You had no flashlight, and no idea of what was going on.

You increasingly got more panicked, there was an eerie silence in the house that gave you chills.

"Ethan....? Tyler...? If this is a joke...I'm going to kill all of you." You nervously laughed. You walked into what felt was the kitchen by the wooden floor.

You didn't know your house as well as you thought, so you could be anywhere. You went to feel the wall, but there was nothing there.

You quickly flailed your arms around trying to find something around you.

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