|Mark| It should have been me|

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"I think it's time we should be heading home now mark." I told my boyfriend while waving down the waiter.

"Yeah, sounds good." He agreed while gathering his things. The waiter walked over.

"Are you ready for your bill?" The waiter asked. I nodded politely and pulled out my purse to pay.

"Nah babe I got it." Mark said grabbing my hand so I couldn't pay. I smiled and put away my wallet.

Mark paid and we left for home. We walked hand in hand out of the restaurant and down the street to our apartment.

I noticed movement in the corner of my eye in the dark ally we were passing. Suddenly I feel a rough pair of hands grab me and cover my mouth. I try to scream for Mark but nothing comes out.

"Give me all your money or will kill the girl!" The man yelled while holding a knife to my throat. Mark fumbled for his wallet and with a shaky hand gave the man his money.

The man already had my purse and the money in it. The man was about to let me go, but before he did I felt a sharp pain in my chest.

I gasped loudly and fell to the ground.
"No! (Y/N)!" Mark shouted and fell down beside me grabbing me and looking at the spot on my chest.

I looked down to see the mans knife in my chest, I pulled it out. I screamed at the pain. I felt blood trickle down my chest.

Mark put his hand over the wound, blood seeping through his hands.
"It's ok baby, your gonna be ok. I love you don't leave me. Don't close those eyes!" Mark started to cry, yelling for help.

The man had taken our phones so there was nothing we could do. I looked at mark, his eyes overflowed with tears. I ran my hand trough his brown hair one last time.

"I...I love....you.....thank you....." I slurred. I felt my eyes getting heavy.

Mark started to shake me.
"No! (Y/N) please! Don't go! It's to soon...." he pleaded, voice fading into heavy sobs.

I made a weak smile before letting my eyes close.


"No, please (Y/N) come back." I cried, I can't let her go. Not now, she's so young.

"Help! Someone call and ambulance!" I walking into the nearest store, (Y/N) in my arms. People gasped and maybe even screamed.

I wasn't paying attention, I barely remember the sad ride to the hospital, the doctor coming out and saying she's gone.

Tyler had picked me up from the hospital and brought me home, he was in tears. But I wasn't.

I didn't feel anything. I just felt empty, gone, depleted. I wish It could have been me.

Just let us swap places, take me.

"Mark!" Tyler was shaking me, I looked over now aware of my surroundings. I was shaking, tears were streaming like rivers down my face I couldn't control myself anymore.

"Mark, you need to take a deep breath. Please, calm down." Tyler put a hand on my shoulder and looked me in the eyes.

"Why should I calm down!? She's dead Tyler! Dead!" Just let me go....

AN: This is not edited, but writing this made me cry and then want to die in a hole

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