|Jack| Night And Day|

610 16 3

I was writing this on the plane a while ago idk.


When do we have to get up again?" I ask Jack.
"Oh uh, if you want to take a shower then 4:45." He says as he turns off the tv.

I nod and take off my shirt to change. Jack gives a sexy look to me then smiles as he goes down to the kitchen.

I get into my baggy Jacksepticeye sweater that I ordered extra big for this reason only, to sleep in.

I check to clock, eight pm.
"Jack" I shout down the stairs "you coming?"

"Just grabbing us a glass of water, be up on a sec." He calls back. I walk back to the bed and crawl under the fluffy comforter.

I feel Jack get into bed, he puts his arm around me and pulls me closer, we both fall asleep like this.

Bing, the noise that tells everyone to put on there seatbelt goes off. I put on my seatbelt and hold Jacks hand. There was turbulence it was really ruff.

There was a startling bang out of my window I look outside to see one of the wings broke off, we were sent hurling to the ground. The oxygen masks drop down and Jack puts his on as I struggle to put on mine. He looks me in the eye and helps me.

I lift up the arm rest between us and I clutch him. I cry and listen to the screams around me. This is how it ends. All of a sudden my seat belt unlatches it's self I fly away from Jack.

The back of the plane has broken off. I try and grab Jack and other people but to no avail I fall out the plane screaming in horror.

I wake up and scream at the top of my lungs. I'm sweating and crying. I've had the fear of a plane crashing ever since I was little.

Petrified I look over at Jack who had already awoken and was rubbing my back. i throw myself into him.

"Another nightmare about a plane crash?" He asked, I just nod. "It's gonna be fine we will go to pax and come back in on smooth glide. You just watch, your more likely to get shot then die in a plane."He says and lays back down with me.

I look at the time, it's eleven thirty. I relax and fall asleep again. I wake up three hours later to the same dream. Jack comforts me then we fall back asleep. I wake up to a yawning Jack beside me.

"What time is it?" I ask with a groggy voice.
"Time to get up and shower. It's five I let you sleep a little longer." He says also with a groggy voice.

I smile and get up. I go to the bath room and strip my clothes off. I pop my head out the door.

"Jack." I shout
"Yeah?" He says and appears from the kitchen.
"Come join?" I ask but more telling him to.

A smile rolls onto his face. He jumps up like a kid on Christmas morning and runs over to the bathroom and shuts the door.

AN: it's a little cute thing. Idk, not the best though.

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