|Mark| Drunk|

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This one is an oldie, so not the best but here.


"Thank you g-guys so much for watching, and I'll see you in the n-next video bye bye!" You here Mark stutter and slur his words.

He had just finished recording two episodes of a returned drunk minecraft.

Your sitting on the chair outside his computer room, you had put this there so you could one listen to his stupid or adorable comments.

Or  if anything happens your right there to help.

I text Mark "are you finished recording?"

"Yeahhh.." He shouts drunkily. I walk in and see a shot class and some cans of beer as while as his bottle of Fireball.

"Fuck Mark, you drank a lot!" I say shocked
"(Y/N)?" Mark asked in an uneasy voice

"Yes Mark" I say in a sterner voice because I'm a little mad at him for doing this to himself.

"My tummy hurts" he says then throws up all over the floor.

"Oh god, here come the aftermath of drinking..." You say disappointed but concerned.

I walk up to him and lean him on me walking him to the bathroom. He kneels down in front of the toilet and throws up several times.

I pick him up again and walk him over to the bed and tuck him in with a bowl beside him.

I kiss his forehead and tell him I'm going to get him some soup and an Aspirin. I walk down stairs and I hear talking.

I realize it's coming from his computer room. I walk in to the smell of vomit to see Mark hadn't turned off anything including Bob and Wade.

I walk over And put on the headphones to hear them better.

"Bob? Wade? You there?" I ask
"(Y/N)! Oh my god is Mark ok?!" Bob asks frantically
"Well yes but he's puking a lot, I guess you guys must have heard that." I say and start to shut things off.

I know how because I'm a YouTuber myself.

" oh haha, yeah we did it gave us I good laugh then Wade threw up himself." Bob comments
"Hey!we talked about this!" Wade yells.

" Haha nice Wade, well I got to go attend my little goof ball that is currently sitting in our bed puking, how fun." I sigh and laugh.

They say goodbye and I shut it all off. I clean up the vomit and beer cans and other things and freshen the air.

I go and make the noodles and get a glass of water and a aspirin from the bathroom and bring it up to Mark.

"Hers the soup and an aspirin, eat and drink everything, even if you feel terrible, it will help. He groans and takes the aspirin. I sit with him and put a cold cloth over his head.

He finishes after about thirty minutes. I bring the dishes downstairs and refill his cup with ice water this time.

I go up and set the water on the bedside table. I lay down beside a weak and sweaty, also slightly vomit smelling Mark.

I pull him close to me and run my hand threw his now fluffy hair. I kiss his forehead once more.

We both fall asleep, or so I thought until Mark shoots up and vomit on the floor missing the bowl. "Opps."

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