12 - Dawn of the First Day

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Marinette was the first one to wake up. Dang, she needed that. She felt as if she had recharged her energy and was ready to get to work. At that moment, she was happy Chat Noir stayed with her, and even cuddled so she could sleep calmly. Marinette didn't think he could be so sensitive. She grabbed the hand that was hugging her waist and she was about to turn around when she noticed that she wasn't touching the smooth leather the hero usually used, but she was touching skin. Chat was in his civilian form. Curiosity suddenly filled her whole body. He was still asleep, so maybe she could look. She wanted to know the kind person that was behind that black mask... But she couldn't. She was Ladybug, and she would be a hypocrite if she found out.

Marinette quickly panicked as she poked his hand without looking at him "Chat, Chat... Wake up... You're, eh, you are without the costume". Marinette felt his hand move, signaling that he had woken up. Apparently, when he realised the situation, he immediately stood up. Marinette closed her eyes. She heard him leave her bed and say something like 'Claws Out' once down. That must be the phrase he uses to transform, she thought. After figuring that out, Marinette opened her eyes, and watched Chat go to her bed.

"You didn't look... Right?,". Marinette shook her head to the sides, he sighed "Ladybug doesn't want anyone, not even us, to know our identities. I actually want to know hers, and for her to know mine... But I have to respect her wishes, she trusts me after all" he confessed. Marinette felt somewhat touched by that. It was glad to know Chat valued her trust, since she wasn't 100% sure if she could trust him. In that moment, she knew she could.

"Chat... I... There's something I want to tell you" Marinette didn't know if she was doing the right thing, but there was no turning back.

"What is it?" Chat asked, sitting comfortably on the bed, then crossed his legs. He was looking directly into her eyes, she could feel he had reached her soul. But not only the way he was looking at her was fierce, his green, cat-like eyes had been making her nervous the last couple of days. They were just so... Beautiful and mysterious. They irradiated trust, that helped her know she was in the correct way.

"This is going to sound crazy... But I... I am La-". Screams from outside cut her off. Chat immediately turned to her balcony door. He took a peek and saw Tloz. His expression turned from worried to furious in just a matter of seconds. He didn't tell Marinette anything, he just left so he could fight the Akuma. Marinette quickly followed him and caught him trying to grab the sword the guy was using. She walked to Chat.

"Chat, the Akuma isn't in the sword".

"Then where is it? The bow? The claw shot? Where?" he asked, not turning to her. Tloz looked at him with confussion placed on his face. Why was he talking to himself?

"See that necklace with the three golden triangles? That's where the Akuma is hiding" Marinette confidently remembered. Chat dodged a fire arrow.

"The necklace with the three Doritos, got it," Chat dodged an ice arrow this time "Can't you overshadow him?".

Marinette shoot her head "Remember he's already possessed by an Akuma, it could be dangerous".

Chat Noir sighed "If I only had-".

"Ladybug's Lucky Charm? Well, you don't, so work with what you do have".

She noticed that Chat was staring at her, then he apparently shrugged it off. They fought for a while and Chat suddenly spoke.

"Princess, I need you to bring a jar, now" he commanded, making Marinette run to her house to get a crystal jar. She came back and clearly saw Tloz a bit terrified. Of course, who wouldn't be if they saw a floating jar? Chat waited until the Akuma took the clawshot out. He invoked his Cataclysm, jumped to Tloz and destroyed his bag. Now he couldn't take other weapons out, not even his bow. Then he stole the clawshot and jumped back before Tloz could slice him with his sword. Marinette simply watched with amazement. Then Chat threw his baton and missed plainly.

Tloz laughed "You really need to work on your aim".

The cat hero smirked "Do I?". Tloz immediately turned around and the flying baton hit him directly on the forehead, and made him fall on his back.

To prevent any damage, Chat used the clawshot and snatched the necklace out and broke it. He then grabbed the jar and nimbly jumped to trap the Akuma in it. He closed it and landed on the ground with elegance, like a real cat. Tloz transformed back into a young boy, who was around 14 years old. He stood up and left, looking around confused.

Chat Noir approached Marinette to talk to her, but he started receiving some 'thanks' and applauses. Chat blushed a little and shyly thanked all of them and reassured that Ladybug would fix everything that was damaged once she came back. He started walking away and gave Marinette a signal to follow him. Once they were out of sight, he carried her to the top of the Eiffel Tower. Apparently, they had woken up really late and spent quite some time fighting Tloz, so that explained why the Tower was slowly getting illuminated.

Marinette was amazed by Chat. She had never seen him fight like that alone, and not only fight, but think of a plan like that one. She saw how everyone and even herself had understimated Chat, even himself did. When he had finished placing her on the ground, she turned to him and saw an inside conflict. Chat was apparently fighting over something. He sighed.

"Marinette,". When he called her with her full name, she knew it was something serious. "I've been thinking about this and if I want to really help you... I need to do this... We can be with each other all the time, and that will make us... Work faster". She knew where that was going, and it was starting to freak her out. He grabbed both of her hands.

"Promise me two things" he pleaded. She nodded because her throat couldn't spit out any words.

"One, you won't tell a soul about it and two, you won't freak out and we'll talk about it".

Those are three things, but whatever... Marinette thought, nerves not leaving her veins or her thoughts. She kindly smiled, as a try to reassure him and to give him some confidence, and closed her eyes not letting go of his hands.

Marinette heard another sigh come from Chat's mouth before he lowly said "Claws in". Marinette's heart was beating so fast she felt in would jump out of her chest in any moment.

"You can open your eyes now, if you want".

Marinette did as he said and she let out a gasp. She had never expected that the boy behind the mask that called her Princess, had carried her and slept with her in the same bed, cuddling none the less, would be Adrien Agreste.

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