14 - Dawn of the Second Day

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Remember how Marinette decided to tell Chat she's Ladybug? Well, she had completely forgotten about it for the time being after Adrien told her he's Chat. His alarm started ringing. Adrien turned it off and stood up. He turned around to make his bed and jumped when he saw Marinette laying there, looking at him. He sighed in relief after realizing that it was the bluenette. He started making his side of the bed, and Marinette stood up to help, but she saw that she didn't alter the sheets, so she just shrugged it off.

"I'll have a shower, so you can stay with Plagg..." Adrien said, his voice shaking a little. He entered the bathroom and there was silence in the room. Plagg approached Marinette with a piece of cheese in his paws.

"So, surprised, huh?" Plagg asked, sitting on one of Adrien's pillows. Marinette sat on the bed once again.

"Yeah..." she sighed, looking at her thighs. Of course she was surprised! Adrien, her crush, turned out to be Chat, her partner. Adrien had been flirting with her the whole time! Maybe that was the reason behind his awkwardness. She started to think about Tikki all of the sudden.

Plagg are his Camembert whole. Marinette chuckled.

"So you like cheese?".

"Yep" Plagg answered, then gulped.

"Hmm, Tikki likes cookies... I honestly think it's better" she said, making Plagg choke. The kwami turned to her.

"What" he simply spit out.

"Wha- OH MY GOD!" Marinette stood up, panicking. Plagg flew to her "YOU'RE LAD-".

He was cut off when Marinette covered his little mouth "Please don't tell Adrien anything, w-well, not yet". Plagg got free from her grasp.

"Why not?".

"Because I don't want things to be even more awkward... Please...". Plagg sighed and nodded, Marinette sighed as well. That was one of the reasons, but the main one was that she didn't want him to see Ladybug as a simple girl like herself. It may sound selfish, but she was scared of the outcome. Some things were better left forgotten, for now.

Adrien came out of the bathroom, already dressed and with his hair wet. He brushed it with his hand, and it was something natural to do if your hair is wet. Marinette saw him doing it in another way, as if he was modeling or something. She blushed, nothing new there, and Adrien was ignoring the way she was staring at him. At least, for a little.

"Watcha staring at, Princess? Can't look away from this irresistible beauty?". Yes, yes he said it. Marinette's face literally turned into a tomato, and it was pretty noticeable this time.


Adrien then realized his mistake, and blushed deeply as well "GOSH! I'M SORRY! I'm so-sorry! I forgot I'm not in the suit a-and you know now... B-But if you're uncomfortable w-when I call you t-that... I can stop altogether...! I-I mean...". Plagg couldn't help but laugh. Marinette simply did some weird gestures with her hands.

"N-n-no! Okay is it! Ga-gah... It's o-okay! I mind not do! I-I mean... I d-don't mind! It IS d-different with your cat ears and your black spandex though..." Marinette stammered, but her last sentence came out slightly more natural, making Adrien scratch the back of his head while blushing.

"Hehe... A-anyways... Breakfast should be ready, follow me" Adrien grabbed his bag after Plagg had entered and exited his room. Marinette followed behind. Adrien sat down on one of the seats and he offered the bluenette one, she accepted and sat down next to him. One of the employees brought him his breakfast. It was a glass of orange juice, two croassaints, one slice of bread and a cup of some kind of red tea. Marinette felt sorry for Adrien. For a growing teenager like him, that wasn't a lot of food. In that moment she understood why he was so eager to eat cookies and croassaints when he went to her house. While he ate, they didn't talk.


Adrien got out of the limo after Marinette. He faked things to give Marinette more time. When he entered, Chloe threw herself to him, as always.

"Adrikins! Hiiii~" she said, trying to kiss him. Adrien tried to get free from her somehow politely, but he couldn't do it. Marinette's veins were filled with rage. Chloe was about to touch his lips when Marinette pulled her from behind, making the blonde lose balance and almost fall off. Marinette didn't let that happen, no matter how much she wanted it to happen, so it wouldn't look so weird and unnatural.

Chloe looked around, but didn't see anyone close enough to pull her like that. She growled, sent Adrien a blown kiss and left stomping to the classroom. Marinette smirked with her arms crossed on her chest. Adrien walked to her.

"Thanks" he whispered, not really looking at her so people wouldn't look at him with confusion. Marinette giggled "Y-you're welcome...".


The rest of the day went on partially with no trouble. On the breaks, Adrien went to the lockers to talk to Marinette. At lunch time, he went back home, had lunch and went back to school again. Nino and Alya reminded him that he had to visit Marinette the next day, he told them he would surely do it. In that moment Marinette smiled to herself, Adrien saw it and smiled to her. She looked away, blushing again. They got to know each other more and more, reaching the point in which Marinette didn't babble any longer.


After school had finished, Adrien and Marinette made their way to the Louvre Museum for him to have a photoshoot. His limo got there right on time so he could change into his father's new clothes for the season.

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