Chapter 6

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 When I first looked I could've sworn it was Joy on the floor. Once I looked again I was in shock. Joy had completety knocked out Keisha. "Joy what the hell did you just do!?!?" 

"What you mean I knocked a bitch out that was calling me a thot!"                                                                "By banging her head on the sink. What if she has a broken nose or concusion" "Oh something  cracked I heard it as soon as I hit her head on the sink....3 times." Joy quietly says. She rocks on the heels of her feet like a little kid that just got in trouble. "What the hell!"  "Yea so umm... we might want to get out of here before someone comes."   "Joy why the fuck are you so calm about this!" I wave my hands dramatically in front of me refering to Keisha on the floor who is just staring at us silently. When i look down I see something red on the floor spreading. "Joy please tell you had kool aid or fruit punch hell even tomato juice and it busted."

"Nope and this ain't no horror movie." Joy said pointing to Keisha's her nose is bleeding and both her eyes are swollen shut and her bottom lip is busted open... and may need stitches. Keisha was on the floor bleeding. Joy and I ran out the bathroom she went to her class and I went to mine. The teacher paid no mind nor attenion to me as I walked 16 minutes late. Luckily this was the last class and even better it was Friday. 


"Did you hear that?" Matilda whispers "Yea it sounded like someone yelling." Vanessa whispered back. Matilda, Vanessa, Pria and I all sat together in a square "Did you hear it Bria?" "Yea it's probably just some couple in the hallway playing around" even though in my head I knew it someone crying for help and I knew exactly why. But I refused to admit to myself that that was the cause. "If I was playing around with Logan I wouldn't be yelling like that." 

"Ok everybody remain in your seats I'll be right back I am just going to check on the yelling." Mr.Hank told us. Right after he left everyone started talking. I could hear people guessing what is was "rape, a fight, a prank, a fire and other stupid ideas only one of them was right. "There's a girl in the bathroom she was in a fight!" You could hear the girl scream from the hallway. As soon as the word fight left her lips every single class in that hall had students coming out. Most of the them dumb asses had phones. Like have some fucking respect and damn self control but then again I do go to "Ghettowood Highschool." That's what me and Vanessa named this school. "Worldstar time." Pria said flipping out her phone. "But we don't have the fight to post." said Vanessa. "So we can post the fucked up results of A fight" Vanessa agreed shaking her head up and down.

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