12: The Final Day

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Kageyama's POV


I sigh, and look out of the window in the kitchen, The rain had slowly been getting calmer over the night.

And In fact, Hinata and I could probably pinpoint the exact moment when the weather had a huge drop in performance.

Which was about 3:07am.

We couldn't sleep last night, So we spent the majority of it just asking eachother incredibly stupid and pointless questions.

And the best part of it was getting to see Hinata laugh, It's the best feeling in the world to me.

So we fell asleep around 5am...

And my mother woke us up at 8am, Because the power came back on.

She also told us since the weather was well enough she was going out to do a shop.

Which is where she is now, Leaving Hinata and I home alone.

The first thing Hinata and I immediately did was race to the barthroom to take a hot shower.

And I let him win on purpose, Obviously.

But atleast that shrimp was kind enough to leave me some hot water...


So this is technically the first time I've ever been home alone with Hinata.

We finished up our Breakfast which my mother made before she went out, And we head back up to my bedroom to get Hinata's stuff.

"Uh, Thanks for letting me stay here....Kageyma..."

I blush, Again, Why is he so cute?

"N-No problem! I enjoyed you staying here..."

He lets off a small smlie, A grin even.

"Hey...Kageyama, Are you gonna act like this when we go back to school?" He then asks me, Looking up.

"L-Like what!?" I stutter, My fave obviously red, which I'm trying hide by neatning up the pillows in our fort.

"Like..Being nice to me! And...Kind I guess...."

"...Maybe" I stress defensively, Looking away.

"Well, I hope you continue with this attitude! Because i like it!"

My face is as red as Hinata's Hair, Which is being hidden by a perfectly placed pillow.

Luckily Hinata is distracted by packing his bag back up with his school supplies, Being completely oblivious to what I'm thinking right now.

How is he so innocent and pure? And how hasn't he noticed me blushing like a psychopath yet?

My face cools down, Well, Enough atleast to feel comfortable removing the pillow from my face.

"What time are you gonna drop me off?" Hinata asks, Looking up at me from his bag.

"Well It depends when you want us to drop you off?" I reply back to him.

"It...It doesn't matter to me...I don't remember what time my parents were coming back" Hinata Smiles again.

I swear if he held that face for long enough I'd probably pass out.....I think anyone would..."

"Well, Let's maybe go after dinner? That'd be a safe bet"

"Okay...Do you think school will be on Tomorrow?"

"Yeah probably, I'm suprised it wasn't on today, I mean, The weather is probably just a regular downpour at this point"

"Hinata! Kageyama! Are you two ready?" My mother yells from downstairs.

We just finished Ruining our pillow fort, By climbing all over it and having another Pillow war, Which ended with Hinata getting a Thumbtack in his knee and Myself getting a hand cramp.

"Yes Mom!" I yell back down to her, As we're running down the stairs which is probably a bad idea.

We hop into the backseat of my Mother's car, Which smells like that really fake air freshener you can buy for $3

Hinata gives my Mother directions to his house, Which is about a 25 minute walk or so away, so this trip will be quick.

The car trip is relatively quite, Even my mother isn't saying much, Which is shock for her.

"Uhh...A left or a Right now?"

"Right! No left- Wait rIGHT-"

While staring out the window I blush like an Idiot, Hinata is so Simple Minded...

And yet here we are, After spending almost a week together during a Cyclone We're finally sending him home..

Most of me is disappointed, I quite liked having his company.....

But then there's a bit of me that's feels relieved that i can get back to my accsional night time "Activities"....
Seeing that my only time to get off was during my shower when the power temporarily came back on a few days ago...

I Gaze at Hinata through the corner of my eye, Still pretending to look out the window.

I wonder if he masturbates? If so, How frequently?

Wait...Why am I asking myself these questions...

I am so gross.

We sit on silence for awhile, But then I finally see the Isolated house where Hinata lives, It's peaceful and silent out here...Unlike my Urban Neighborhood which i Hate

We all get out of the car, and The rain is just a Extremely light drizzle now.

Almost instinctively Hinata's Mother comes to the door with Natsu in her New Night Gown i presume.

Hinata runs up to Give His mother and Natsu a Hug, Which makes me blush for some fucked up reason.

Natsu then Rushes back inside, Which i Gather means she's getting something.

I'm forced to awkwardly introduce myself to his parents, Forgetting 90% of the English language in the process, Hearing Hinata laugh his fucking Ass off in the Backround.

I wait until Our parents aren't looking, Before I smack Hinata in the back of his head.

"So you'll definitely be at school tomorrow?" He asks, Leaning against a wooden barier that's lining his house's patito

"Yeah, My Mother would never let me miss it" I reply

As our parents are Yabbering on, I manage to hear something that grabs my attention from Hinata's mother-

"Yeah! My Older sister is moving in with us so i can save her some rent, And it's great because the kid love her-"

I quickly grab Hinata and Lower my voice, Him looking incredibly Intimidated.

"If ANYTHING, Happens between you and your "Aunt" You need to tell me, Immediately" I direct him, Nodding his reply

"Kageyama! Let's get going, But it was a pleasure Shoyo to have you!"

We Wave our farewells, As My Mother and i get back into our car

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