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She was pacing around the room, muttering to herself. She was dressed in a pale pink dress that cam to her knee's. She would soon change into a dress made of white. 

But she wouldn't think about that. She would think about how amazing the food would be- if she could even get anything down. She sighed and looked in the mirror once more. She touched the blonde curls framing her face, examined the tacky pink lipstick, or even worse, the silver eye-shadow that covered her bright blue eyes. She groaned and turned away, nearly tripping in her silver pumps. She sat on the white love-seat and stared out the window. She was starting to wonder if anyone would ever even come for her, or if she'd be locked in this room forever.

She shook her head to herself. If only, she thought. She didn't want to be betrothed to Mario, no matter how handsome or adored he was. She didn't care about his money or his charming smile. She didn't want that. She didn't want to be the one to gaze into his blue eyes while brushing his brown hair out of his face.

She wanted a quiet life, out in Acorn Plains, with books and cooking. 

She never wanted anything extravagant, but her father acted like she did. Her knee had started bouncing up and down, so she stood. 

"Princess?" Someone knocked lightly on the door. "Are you decent?"

She replied to the feminine voice. "Yes."

The door opened and a small mushroom with a pink top walked in. "They're ready, Your Majesty," she told me.

She gulps. The small Mushroom Maid reaches up to take her hand. "Mistress? Are you alright?"

The Princess nods, for she could never divulge her problems to anyone. She was touched, though, that the Mushroom would even ask. After all, she didn't even know the princess. She was merely a servant. 

The Mushroom releases her hand and moves to open the door. The Princess walks through the doorway gracefully, chin held high. Even if she wasn't happy about the betrothal, she wouldn't show her father. He would look down upon her for not realizing that this was what was right for the kingdom. 

But what Princess Peach couldn't understand was how it was helpful. How did her being married change things? Sure, Mario was a war general that had conquered a lot of land, but that didn't mean he was fit to be king.

Peach felt she could do it on her own. 

But, what she really wanted was for the duchesses Daisy or Rosalina to take over. She didn't care who got to be queen, she just didn't want to do it. But she would rather be queen on her own than be queen and married. 

Why did it have to be her that was the king's daughter? Daisy wishes she was princess all the time. Rosalina never mad a comment on the matter, she had simply flipped her platinum blonde hair over her shoulder and listened intently, watching Daisy keenly with her diamond blue eyes. But Princess Peach figured that she would enjoy it far more than her.

Finally, they arrived at the top of the stone staircase. The mushroom left her now, leaving her to walk down herself. 

Mario waited at the bottom, her father, King Toadstool, resting his hand on his shoulder. Her father stood tall, his honey-blonde hair- identical to his daughters- slicked back smoothly. 

Princess Peach's mother had died a few years ago, from a horrible dragon named Morton Koopa Jr., son to King Koopa. No one had heard anything from them since then. It was as if they just simply disappeared.

Peach walked down the stairs quietly and took Mario's arm at the bottom. They walked behing King Toadstool to the Royal Dining Room. The Royal Family was going to eat dinner together, and then Princess Peach was going to go back upstairs, change into her silky white gown, and walk down the stairs of the West Wing into the Grand Ballroom for the wedding. 

Goosebumps rose up on her arms. The wedding. She stared at Mario's profile, studying him. He was handsome, sure- she never said he wasn't- but what was behind those glittering sapphires that he had for eyes? Was he as charming as he seemed on television? Or was he a cruel, cold-hearted, ambitious young man? 

They entered the Dining Room and ate in peace. 

Then it was time to get ready to have her life ruined.

Her maid from before, her name was Toad Celeste, escorted her back to her room and helped Peach change into her wedding gown.

Peach shivered. She didn't like the word; wedding. It hadn't done anything to her- it was simply a word- but that word now played a very large, horrible part in her life. When Toad Celeste had finished getting Peach ready, she looked in the mirror. She hadn't changed much- she just looked more regal. Peach quickly turned away. 

"Are you ready, mistress?" Toad Celeste asked. 

Peach nods, unable to form words. She was sent back downstairs, this time on the opposite side of the building. She somehow ended up in front of the overpowering doors to the Grand Ballroom. She didn't even recall moving. Daisy and Rosaline turned towards her and waved quickly. Daisy was her maid of honor, since she was older than Rosalina by a little less than a year, and so she was walking down the aisle with Luigi, Mario's brother. 

Soon, Peach heard a hush fall over the Ballroom and heard soft music playing. She released a long breath.

The people in front of her start moving forward when the large, mahogany doors open. Peach tries to move, but she can't. Then she receives a soft shove from Toad Celeste, and starts moving. But she wasn't driving. She was like a robot, walking slowly down the aisle. Nobles and aristocrats all sit in white chairs that line the pastel pink aisle. Peach doesn't look at them- she can't, or she'll lose her nerve. So she stares at Mario, because he wasn't frightening at all- especially with her hatred towards him. She finally reaches Mario, hands Daisy her large bouquet, and her and Mario hold each others hands in front of each other. 

The priests words are muffled from her thoughts. She could practically feel her heart pounding. Or was that her heart? Was somebody stomping? She ignored that thought as the priest addressed her. 

"Do you, Princess Peach Toadstool, take this man to be your husband?" He stares at me intently.

"I do," rested on the tip of her tongue, it really did.  But she couldn't bring herself to say those dooming words. 

Luckily for her, the floor-to-ceiling window behind them shattered into a million tiny pieces and she was saved from marrying Mario. 

Acorn Plains- Book One (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now