~Toad House~

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A man came in, examined the items lining the shelves. He kept brushing his red hair out of his face. Toad Yellow watched him from behind his desk, wondering what he was searching for. He seemed like he was in a hurry. The man finally sighed and rested his head on a glass case. Toad Yellow decided that now would be a good time to step in. 

"May I assist you?" he asked.

The man shrugged. "I don't know. Do you have any mushrooms?"

Toad Yellow nodded vigorously, for mushrooms were very expensive, so were therefore not bought often. "Of course, sir. Right over here." He leads the man to a glass case that has various mushrooms- from medium-sized red and white ones to tiny blue and white ones to large yellow and red ones to life-extending green ones. 

The man sighed. "I'll get two green ones."

This made Toad Yellow even more giddy. "Alright, sir." He unlocked the case, grabbed two before they could start squirming, and led the way to his desk. "Okay, sir. This will be two-hundred coins, sir."

The man set two-hundred coins on the counter with no problem. He merely examined Toad Yellow with warm brown eyes. 

"Thank you so much for your service, sir!" Toad Yellow calls cheerfully, waving. 

The man stops in the doorway. "Please. Call me Bowser."

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