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 Luigi is making a wonderful caboose. Speaking of cabooses... Rosalina sways her hips in front of me. Her and Daisy are talking quietly ad keep looking behind their shoulders at Luigi and I. I'm certain they're talking about me which is great because it will make making Rosalina my wife much easier. I pick up my pace so that I'm walking beside Rosalina. Their conversation stops. 

"Can I help you?" Daisy asks, shooting daggers in my direction.

I hold up my hands in surrender and give her my signature smile. She doesn't budge. Bummer. It worked on everyone. Why wasn't it working on these two? "Look, loves, I'm just walking beside you. We need to stick together."

Daisy raises a brow. Rosalina keeps walking. "What about Luigi?" Daisy asks. 

I look behind me. Luigi has to walk faster. "Luigi!" I yell.

He lifts his head sharply. 

"Get up here!" He runs over to us, obeying me.

Sometimes I feel bad about bossing around my kid brother, but without me he wouldn't have anything that he has today, like his job, outfits, or status. And he never even bothers to thank me. 

All of a sudden, Daisy screams. I look back towards them, and Rosalina is tackling her. I gasp. What was she doing? But then I saw at least twenty flying squirrels soaring towards us. They're throwing acorns at us. Rosalina wasn't attacking Daisy, she was protecting her. I grabbed them, told Luigi to follow me, and ran into the bushes. I heard the rustling of the squirrels scurrying towards us. 

I heard screaming. I look up. Luigi is shrieking, terrified. "I knew I shouldn't have come!" he screamed. 

I rolled my eyes. Even the girls weren't screaming. 

"Come on!" I yell. "We can't stay here!"

Rosalina stands and picks Daisy up. I pull Luigi to his feet and grip his collar, dragging him away.  We hurry for cover. 

"We need to find a place to rest," Rosalina tells me, appearing at my side.

I nod. Then I see it- a green pipe. Everyone knows that they keep townsfolk safe. But at the same time, the palace was supposed to be safe. I shake my head. It was worth the risk. "Rosalina!"

She looks at me, her blue eyes piercing through me. "What?"

"The pipe!"

She nods and grabs Daisy, while I get Luigi. We all run towards the pipe and jump down it. 

Everything goes dark. 

Acorn Plains- Book One (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now