I Guess I'm Just Your Average Boy

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I woke up to light piercing into my eyes from someone leaving the curtain open. Oh geez, the light, it burns! I tried to climb out of the bunk, only to flop out and land on my back. Ouch. I heard chuckling from the living room. I scramble to get back on my feet. I slowly drudged over to the couch and plopped down right in Tony's lap.

"Sorry Tone... too tired... to move." I groaned with a sleep coated voice.

"It's fine by me since your only in your underwear and a t-shirt." He then winked at me. My head shot up from the couch, as I threw myself off Tony and landed face first on the floor. He laugh much harder this time. I dashed for the bathroom and slammed the door shut. Great.

I heard Tone walk past the bathroom to the bunks, then I heard footstep towards the bathroom. I was kinda pissed that he said what he did to me. I know we're best friends, but that was little over board. I was lost in my thoughts on my emotions. Tony opened the door to the bathroom, and handed me some clothes. He was looking down the whole time, so I guess he was just messing with me earlier and didn't really want to see me this way.

I grabbed my clothes and shut the door. I slipped them on, then walked out of the bathroom and sat next to Tony. He handed me a bowl of popcorn. I guess he had made while I was changing. We sat and watched Teen Aged Mutant Ninja Turtles, until the guys got back from Taco Bell with tacos for Tone and I.

It's now an hour before the show. I'm really started to get nervous. I hope their fans won't think I'm replacing Vic... Maybe I should tell them what happened. I sure fucking hope this guess well. I drank some water and warmed up my voice.

Thirty minutes left. As the clock kept ticking the more nervous I got. Mike i guess noticed I was tense, so he sat down next to me on the couch and played patty cake with me. He really was the coolest kid ever. It really calmed me down, so he went back to chatting it up with some ladies behind the stage. What a Playa. Tone was right, he sure does spring back fast.

Ok, one minute to go. I sure hope I don't fuck up. We're going last after OfMice&Men, I went through the song list we were going to do first. We were touring with sleeping with sirens obviously, because of King For a Day, but we were going to surprise the fans with Caraphernelia. Jeremy wasn't touring with us this year, but Austin said he would be more than happy to sing that part, so we're doing that song last. The first song we are going to play is Hold On Till May, which will work perfectly after I explain to the fans about Vic. I just hope I don't throw up...

"Ok, three, two, one, here we go!" All the guys scream. We ran out on stage and the crowd went berserk. We all got in our places ready to play.

"Ok guys look, I am not a replacement for Vic alright? Vic and I are really good friends, so I'm covering for him while he's in the hospital. I'm not going to get into detail, but don't worry, he's fine now just healing up is all, but he can't sing, or even talk. Let's give him a big applause for fighting and never giving up, ok?!" I screamed into the mic. All the fans started screaming back, cheering, and chanting his name. Wow I can just feel the love of his fans. I can see why he loves them so much like he does. Ok here we go. Hold On Till May.

I sang my heart out. I will admit I was a little shaky at first, but I got much more comfortable with it as the concert went on. When Austin came on stage I swear the crowd just died. They were screaming with just so much joy. It was about to make me cry.

After finishing up Caraphernelia, Austin, Kellin, and I all hugged and bowed to the crowd. We all waved before we walked off stage. I had such an adrenaline rush. It was so amazing doing this. It was just incredible.

(Sorry for mistakes and or errors)

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