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Sarah wake up...

Wake up

Wake up

Wake up

What's wrong with you kuku..?? Why are you here so early..??

Early..?? Are you kidding me..?? Is it early..?? Its almost 12:00 pm is it still early...??

Yes it is.. Just leave kuku don't trouble me.. I need to sleep I'm so tired of daily routine just let me sleep some more..

Madam.. Did you lost your memory..?? Don't you even remember..?? You are jobless now so its time to enjoy the free time..

What free time.. What enjoyment..?? I'm jobless and that's not good at all..

Ohhh whatever.. Just enjoy your life until you find a new job..

Come on wake up Sarah..

Okay okay I'm up..

So, let's go to the coffee shop and then amusement park.. You know I'm hungry as hell..

Okay.. But at least let me brush my teeth and wash my face..

Ohh yeah.. Okay okay.. But make it quick.. Okay..??

Okay I will.. If you move aside..

Ohhh... Only 10 min I'm waiting downstairs..



Yeah.. But where are we going..??

Sarah... I swear you are such an oldy.. How can you forget I just told you that 15 min earlier.. We are going to coffee shop and then amusement park..

Why amusement park..??

Cause I want you to smile a little.. Look at your face.. You are so sad from yesterday.. May be amusement park will do the trick..

Kuku you don't have to do so much for me.. And look I am smiling..

And I passed a huge fake smile to her..

I know you are.. And now plz stop faking your smile..


Shut up and come with me..

Walking with kuku i was thinking about her.. That how amazing she is.. She is my friend since I was in first grade she is like sister to me.. I don't know how but she know me better than anyone.. She is the friend everybody wants.. In short she is an ideal type friend..


No I'm not gonna think about him again... He is not my friend anymore.. He is just my enemy now.. Who just want revenge from me...

Hey Sarah...?? What are you thinking..??

I was back to the reality when kuku called my name..

Umm nothing...

Don't tell me.. You were thinking about him again..

No I'm not.. But I guess you are always thinking about him..

Oohhh shut up.. I don't..

Hahahah.. Okay.. Let's move in.. I'm hungry.. And yes kuku one more thing..

Hmmm what..??

Bill is on you.. :p :p

Wait what...?? No.. We were supposed to share the bill right..??

No we were not..

Uggghhh... Okay bill's on me..

So Sarah what are you planning to do after your job..??

I haven't think about it now.. So I don't know..

I was serious about what I said... It was not planning to do anything since I was just tensed about my current situation with life.. Thinking of those brighten days always makes me sad..

He was my everything... He was my best friend my family my everything.. How can he......


Since I was lost so deep in my thoughts so I didn't noticed someone standing behind me.. But I got shocked when suddenly kuku burst into anger and splash the coffee on someone's face..

How dare you even call her name..?? How shameless you are.. You almost destroyed everything in past and now you are making her life even worse.. Are you even a human..?? I'm embarrassed to say that you were my friend.. Just leave her alone..

I was still shocked.. By kuku's words I can guess who she was talking to.. Its obviously Mr arrogant Paul.

Let's go Sarah.. With her words I came out from the shock and stand up in front of Paul... He was looking straight into my eyes then he moved his hand to the tissue box and start wiping coffee from his face.. He was still looking into my eyes.. I was a dummy in front of him..

By collecting a lot of courage.. I managed to say.. I'm sorry sir.. Maybe she is in bad mood...She didn't do this on purpose..

Its not okay miss Sarah..

His attitude was not surprising for me.. I knew he would say something like this..

You better be prepared to payback miss Sarah.. Its not going to be that easy that you are thinking..

Kuku was looking at him with a glare look..

Sweet... Paul said while turning to kuku and wiping coffee from his face by his finger and tasting it..

Kuku rolled her eyes on him.. Go to hell..

Haha... Let's wait and watch whose life is going to be hell..

Kuku: I'll wait to see.. Let's see if you are that powerful that I think..

Paul: I'm sure you won't be disappointed...

Paul: Sarah your happy days are over... Bye bye..

He whispered in my ear as no one can hear it except me and he walked out from the cafe... Made me think that how worse is he going to be..........

What's going to happen next...?? How will Paul make Sarah payback...??
Wait till the next update.. :) :)

Guys its my first story ever.. Let me know what you guys think.. Love you all...

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