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5 years earlier...

School bell rung...

Ohh no Paul you have some sort of serious problem.. Why do you keep sleeping everywhere...??

It was 8:00 the time of school start.. But as expected my best friend was leaning against a tree and sleeping like he was on his bed..

Ughhh Sarah.. Plz don't disturb me.. Go and attend your class.. I'm in mood to sleep...

Paul Paul Paul.. When are you going to be mature..?? How can you sleep anywhere anytime..?? Seriously you are hopeless.. Standup and come with me its time for our chemistry class..

Paul: chemistry class.. Ohh yeah your favourite class right.. And probably you favourite professor's class.. Or should I say your crush's class...

Sarah: Paul you are talking nonsense now.. Just get up..

Paul: is it nonsense..?? Everybody talks about you and professor Edward in the class.. Is this nonsense or is this nonsense that you both are involved..??

Sarah: whatever Paul.. If you don't wanna come.. Stay.. I'm going.. Bye.. Meet you after the chemistry class..

Paul: ohh yeah.. Whatever.. And I'm not gonna meet you again today..

Sarah: as you wish paul...

Paul: ahhhh... This girl is driving me crazy.. She totally knows I can't live without her..

Sarah: I heard you..

Paul.. Ughhh... Okay fine.. I'm coming.. Wait.. I said wait.. Ohh gosh why are you so fast..?? Wait Sarah.

Sarah: come on.. Mr sleepyhead fast

Mr Edward was giving lecture.. but more than listening to him I was looking at him like its the last time I'm able to see him... Actually Paul was right... I have a crush on Mr Edward but that was not true that we are involved. I mean come on.. How could someone involve with his professor....

Sarah..?? Sarah..?? Sarahhhhhh...??

Ummm yes sir.. Yes yes Yes sir.. Are you saying something..??

Yes I am.. Are you deaf..?? What are you thinking haan...?? And why are you looking at my face.. Is you chapter written on my face..??

No n n n no sir.. I'm sorry sir..

Why are you so absent mind..?? Especially in my class..


Just shut up and look at your book... I guess you don't even know what we are studying now.. Turn page no 123 chap no 4 5th paragraph's 6th line..

As I turned my pages Mr Edward once again started his lecture..

But a drop of tear from my eye dropped down and vanished in page no 123 chap no 4........


I was crying in the washroom ever since the chemistry class overed.. I don't know why he always do this to me.. Don't he know how much I love him.. Why is he like this to me..?? Ohh God plz help me..

I was crying so hard when I heard the foot steps outside the washroom..

Sarah..?? Are you there..??

What's the matter with you Paul..?? Why are you following me..?? I knew that by my voice he would easily know that I'm crying..

Paul: you can follow me anytime anywhere so why can't I..??

Sarah: ................

Paul: Sarah.. Are you okay..??

Sarah: Paul plz go.. Don't bother me.

Paul: I'm not bothering you.. Just trust me and tell me are you okay..??

Sarah: ........................

Paul: okay... Don't say anything.. I'm waiting there for you.. You can share your pain whenever you want.. I'm always there for you..

In a long silence I was still thinking about him.. And asking myself why is he doing this to me...

After a long silence...

Sarah: Paul...??

Paul: hmmmm...???

Sarah: Paul.. I love him..

Paul: ......................

Sarah: Paul.. Paul are you there...??

Paul: ummm yes... Yes I'm there..

Sarah: Paul are you okay.. You sounds like.. You are crying.. Is everything okay..??

I don't know I was right or I was just imagining things.. Paul does sound like he was crying.. Suddenly I forgot my all pain and I started to worried about Paul.. I opened the door of washroom and got out..

But he was not there.....


What's going to happen next..?? Its a secret.. ;) ;) wait for the new update.. :)

Love you guys... :)

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