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Paul's POV

Sarah I guess it's time to let you know that I'm totally and completely in love with you, I said and moved my hand to touch Sarah's cheek.. She was blushing yes she was... Sarah let's forget about everything that happened in past and let's start a new life just you and me...

I moved forward to take her in my embrace, I held her hand and pulled her towards me our bodies touched and I could feel her heart beat, Sarah I love you so much I promise that I'll make you the happiest girl in the whole world..

Sarah..??? I moved her more close to me and rested my head on her shoulder, Sarah do you love me..??? I asked her with hope and love.. she remained silent while I was hugging her close to me... Answer me Sarah..

No... She answered and my heart broke once again, I begged her to stay with me and try to love me.. But she just walked away without caring about me and my emotions once again..

I opened my eyes slowly and saw a ceiling my head felt heavy.. oh yes I slept on the sofa last night while thinking about old bitter memories, my head hurts but I guess what hurts more is my heart..I can't even imagine to be deceived once again by the same person, not even in my dream..

It was just a dream but it felt so real.. Like she broke my heart again like she walked away from me again, my heart hurts but still I hate her, I hate her that I want to take revenge on her but why do I but more when she is hurt..

After I fired her from the job I thought I would have a good sleep that night but no I didn't slept that night, all I could do was to think about her.. that I appointed her once again and that was the night I slept well..

That day she slipped coffee on her and the pain I we feeling that time for her was unbearable, and I did what my heart ordered me to do.. I don't know why my heart is still against all I'm doing but I damn care I'll fly follow my brain not my heart I'll make her pay..

It's not only the war between me and her.. It's between me and my heart, and I know how to win, losing its not in my DNA...

After getting ready and taking some pills for headache I arrived at office Sarah was already working in her office, I was still feeling pain in my head but what shocked me the most when I saw Drake in Sarah's office he was sitting In front of her taking to her cheerfully, and to my surprise Sarah looked more happy with him.. I guess she loves to spend time with him..

They were busy taking when I entered Sarah's office without knocking, both looked at me, Drake smiled at me while Sarah stand up but her eyes were on floor I could sense she is still on what happened yesterday..

Ehmm... Drake you're already there..??? Don't you have something to do more than disturbing my workers...??? I asked him in a bright tone while walking towards them..

Ummm dude I was just there to ask Sarah about her health, she was sick yesterday right..?? And we ate alone because of her.. but no worries we are going to have a dinner tonight.. you wanna come..???

Ummm.. dinner..??? We..??? I asked suspiciously, yes we me Sarah and Kuku you can join us if you want..

No I'm okay, you guys enjoy your selves, now I need to do some work.. I'm heading to my office..I glared at Sarah one last time she was looking at me without any expressions while Drake just smiled at me and again sit on the chair in front of Sarah..

I moved to office and sat on my chair while my eyes were on Sarah's office..I could still feel the headache but seeing them laughing made me forget about myself.. after half hour Drake standup and walked towards Sarah and hugged her tightly she smiled at him and he left..

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