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Stop Sarah plz stop..

Paul held me tightly while I was crying like crazy..

Paul: Sarah plz get hold to your self

Sarah: mom dad.. Mom dad..

I was crying like crazy and calling again and again mom dad while Paul was holding me firmly and kuku was standing in front of me holding a glass of water..

Paul: plz Sarah.. Get into your senses

Sarah: no I can't I want my mom dad back.. I know.. I know they are not dead.. Paul do something I want them.. Call them and tell them I'm waiting for them why are they not coming..

Paul: okay I'll talk to them...

Kuku: Sarah plz calm down..

Sarah: I want them I them Paul I want them...

I was trying to let go of him so I can talk to my parents.. But he was holding tightly...  And the very next thing I remember is that I fainted in Paul's arms..


6 months later I was again a normal person but in was just possible because of kuku and Paul.. They took care of me for 6 months I still remember how they were used to be woke up all night so I can sleep comfortable.. If I'm again a normal person so its just because of Paul and kuku... That's why they are my only family left...

Kuku: Sarah you wanna come..??

Sarah: huh...?? Where..??

Paul: cafe Sarah... Are you okay..?? He looked worried

Sarah.. Yes I'm okay.. You guys enjoy I need to do my chemistry assignment..

Paul gave me a look and said I'm not coming with you kuku.. You can carry on with drake.. I'm staying with Sarah and help her in her assignment..

Kuku: okay.. Let's go drake..

Drake: hey beautiful.. You can join us whenever you want... He told me with looking in my eyes..

Okay.. I'll ,I said with a fake smile..

Kuku and drake turned to the cafe and Paul hold my hand to go with me..

Let's go Sarah..


I was making my assignment with a lot of concentration.. When Paul broke the silent..

Paul: Sarah.

Sarah: hmmmm...??

Are you still interested in him..??

In who..??

In Mr Edward..??

Paul you are starting again.. I faced him to say something but I was shocked when I saw Mr Edward standing on the door just behind Paul.. Seeing him my eyes opened wide


How shameful Sarah.. How could you be so immature.. How possibly could you fall in love with your professor..?? How shameful you are.. And how embarrassing that you are my student.. a student like you shouldn't be in a school like this...

I was just listening to him with my eyes tearing up and standing like a dummy... I came back to my senses when Paul shouted..

Enough is enough sir.. How dare you call her shameless.. Who the hell are you to tell her that what she is.. Just mind your own business..

How dare you talk to your professor like that...?? Mr Edward came forward and hold Paul's Collar..

Plz stop it.. Both of you.. Paul plz..

And I ran out from the class wiping my tears..

I heard Paul shouting my name behind me but I ran as faster as I can.. How can I face anyone after that..??


I was crying for almost full day and ignoring paul's calls..

Phone ring*****


I decided to pick up his call..


Hello Sarah why were you not attending my calls..?? Are you okay..??

Yes I am..

No you are not.. And I know its because of that stupid Mr Edward.. I swear I'm gonna kill him... He sounded seriously angry..

Hung up********


At 8:15 pm kuku called me..

Hello Sarah... Where are you..??

At home.. Why..?? What happened you sound panic..

Sarah its a bad news...

What happened..?? I was scared to hear the bad news but I managed to say..

Kuku: ummmm Sarah.. I'm sorry but Mr Edward is no more...


Kuku: Sarah are you there...??



Yes I'm there.. I managed to say.. Tears once again started to roll down from my eyes..

But how..?? I wasn't able to say anything  but I still tried..

Kuku: he was murdered by a sharp knife in the garden near school.. And you won't believe who is the murderer...

Door bell rung*****

Sarah are you there..

Ye-yes yes someone is on the door... Wait..

Kuku: wait let me say this..

I stopped in front of main door.. Mobile was just 1 inch far from my ear I can clearly hear kuku saying.. Wait listen to me first.. I opened the door.. And current passed though my body..

Paul covered in blood with holding a knife with blood dripping drown on my door mat.....

Sarah can you hear me...?? I was informing you that "PAUL" is a murderer...!!!!!!


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