Chapter Nine

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Cake p.o.v

when i left fiona was knocked out i had to so some research to do. It was off weather he was gay or he's bisexual. I don't understand he had a beautiful thing together and he gave it all up for fiona. FIONA the girl he rejected for 2 years.

Good thing I'm coming over to talk to him. while i was walking over there i saw this strange puddle of pink goo it looked weird.


When i got there i was on top of the balcony i just stood there i had a feeling i shouldn't talk but just watch him first so i just shrunk down to size and went in side. "Oh Fiona Oh Fiona My Love Little Fiona How i Love her Oh How i Love Her And i Don't Love Marshal Lee " Sang Gumball walking towards the bathroom. Why would he sing that? I walked towards the bathroom &i saw gumball getting ready to take a shower lucky me he didn't take anything off yet.

When he took off his dress shirt is when i noticed this pink neckless. He wore is under his undershirt it was a shape of a heart a tiny one. It was really shiny it was pink diamond it's ready pretty. But that's very hard to find. I mean this is prince gumball he gets what ever he wants.

When i saw he was going to take his pants off i quickly ran off. I got back to normal size and went to his lab. I turned the light on and it was strange and i mean ready strange it felt cold in here like everything was untouched i was kinda surprised to say because gumball he always at least goes into his lab to find some new organism or whatever.

I walked over the telescope and when i looked over to see it was pointed to marshal lee's house. Thats really strange i though he was over marshal lee. It suddenly got even colder in the lab like someone was wac- "Hello there cake" my eyes grew large i turned to see gumballs face he was in a robe . He was suddenly getting close. "I didn't know I've had company but mostly my good friend cake " said gumball as he walked even closer to me. "Umm hey buddy what's up I'm just looking at your lab" i walked back but sadly i all ready hit the wall.

"since your here cake i need your help " he said i just stood there confused. "Well come on cake standing there won't help any one help me cake , help me please" he tooky hand and walked me back to his room. "Now cake whats up its weird you didn't come with fiona " he said as he sat on his bed. i sat on a chair " oh she went to bed early you know but hey lets stop talking about fiona can i ask you something gumball?" he looked at me weird like confused. "sure ask" he said. "How did you and fiona become a thing " i sat there and watch he looked up then looked back at me.

" Well i don't like marshal i like fiona. she's great i really love her. We were getting real close and one thing lead to another she bought me this necklace too and were a thing" i just looked at him. "well thanks gumball thats all i wanted to know bye" i walked to the balcony. "if you need anything to help around just call me" he said as he waved. I leaped back to the grown and went my way the only thing thats in my mind after i left is

why did he emphasise some words oh well.

I Headed home when i got there fiona was up she was standing with her sord like shes ready to pounce on me. "Umm hey fi whats up?" i said as i walked to the table. "Hey cake where were you? " she said as he eyes just peirced my face. I just sat on a chair " I went to lordmo-" she ran to me and pointed the sord at me "DON'T LIE TO ME CAKE". At first i didnt say anything i just looked at her and laugh. "Wh-why are you laughing i will kill you cake". I shrank and stretched and got behind her and put my arm around her neck.

"Fiona Fiona Fiona Don't make me laugh you couldn't kill me if you had 10 arm's and legs so do me the favor and put the sord down and sit on the chair okay? I'll count to 3" . "one" she started to relax. "Two" she droped the sord. "Three" she sat down.

"okay now fiona go to sleep we can speak tomorrow " she didn't say anything i watched her go up stairs.


and that is the end my loveys of this chapter i love you all ❤❤❤ & p.s i met ryan seman from falling in reverse & ronnie radke pointed at me in the concert cx

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