Chapter 37: Dead Girl Walking

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Soooooo I couldn't resist updating, but I'm going to be evil and keep you in suspense a BIT longer ;) so here's a little something for you my dearies<3

Read and comment! I LOVE them so much they totally make my day and I would never have the motivation to keep writing (and soon finish) this if it wasn't for every single read, comment, vote...any and all support is appreciated!<3 :)

*30 years later*


"Boys," Peter Pan called, excitement bubbling up in his stomach. Finally, the two idiot humans had the boy and Peter had just felt them arrive in Neverland. He'd already won, but he still wanted to make a game out of it. Time for some fun.

"Time?" Felix grunted, coming to stand beside him, hood up and the Lost Boys following eagerly.

"Let's play," Peter grinned. The boys matched his expression for a fleeting second before they were off at a brisk walk, Felix leading them to the small bonfire Greg and Tamara had made. Peter stayed behind, he would meet the boy later.

Walking into his tent, he pulled on a cloak and scarf, tucking the vial of dust under it. Peter scowled, annoyed that the dust's lack of magic was not on purpose. He really was losing his magic, he and Neverland really were dying. Peter couldn't even fly anymore, despite how he believed.

Waiting was boring, even just for a few minutes. Peter wanted to play his game, the one he had already won. But the minutes were merciful, and soon Peter was off, sprinting through the forest, a determined yet terrified look painted on his face.


Peter had just gotten the boy, Henry, back from Baelfire, and he was both satisfactory and annoying at the same time. Peter played his pipes every night, as he had been for the past...he couldn't remember, ten years at least. He played them every night, to keep them all happy and dancing and under its spell. They all forgot to be upset for a while. Unfortunately, just like himself and Felix, they hadn't been working on Henry. Until now. Now the boy heard them, and that was all that mattered.

He couldn't help but have felt a pang when he offered himself and the Lost Boys to be Henry's new family. Peter hadn't offered that in so long. A girl with white hair and dark blue eyes flashed across his mind, a girl who was part of their family and who danced with them like Henry did now. He frowned, then chuckled drily. He hadn't thought of her in a while. The dead princess. Maybe he should tell Henry about her, it would definitely help the light hearted boy believe in him if Peter told a sob story. Especially one that all the boys could tune in to.

Well, he already had, of a sort. Peter groaned to himself at how true his words had been "consoling" Henry. The boy wasn't the only one who heard voices of the dead in Neverland. He scoffed, new dreams coming true in Neverland. Peter was stilling waiting for those. Maybe they would return once Henry "saved magic" then, too.


David, Mary Margaret, Emma, and Hook trudged forward through the trees, shoving aside branches and bushes with swords and arms alike. David took up the end, letting his wife and daughter be safer between himself and the pirate. Oh, he didn't trust Hook to protect them, not for a second, but at least if a Lost Boy jumped out, Hook would feel the first blow. Besides, if he really did have feelings for Emma, maybe he would stick around for a few extra seconds.

A twig to David's left snapped, and he whirled around, sword at the ready. The other three didn't hear anything and kept moving, he didn't know why he didn't say anything.

David just barely caught sight of a tall, thin, hooded figure stepping through the trees. It didn't even glance at him, or come towards him. Then, he stopped, and David moved into a fighting position. But it turned to the side, facing away from him. Still, David caught a flash of blonde, Felix. He took a few slow steps toward him, sword out, the boy would be great leverage against Pan. But the boy didn't even notice him, instead his shoulders were hunched and he was leaning forward slightly, his shoulders looked like his arms were reaching out.

"...just go back and stay quiet, it's not safe for you..." Felix's voice, low and strained, reached David's ears. David took a few steps closer, and to the side, and bit back a gasp.

Felix was leaning in, very close, to a girl. David couldn't see her face, but her body was thin and small compared to Felix's, and her dirty, tangled hair was whiter than anything David had ever seen. It was also glowing. Felix's forehead was almost touching hers, and the boy's long, thin fingers held her face. They looked like lovers.

But there weren't supposed to be girls in Neverland, not in the Land Without Magic's stories, or the Enchanted Forest's stories for that matter, and Pan's group of Lost Boys implied that quite strongly.

"I'll come and get you, I'll find you, when it's all over, I promise," Felix continued. His voice sounded so urgent, David almost felt a bit concerned.

"Felix, what is going on? I can feel it, is he-" the girl's voice sounded so concerned and confused and small, David just wanted to hug her.

"I have to go, just please stay. Stay hidden, but stay here," Felix cut her off. She nodded, and Felix surprised David further by tugging off his cloak and wrapping it around the little girl. He pulled the hood up, and stayed close, so David still didn't see her face. She turned away and melted into the forest, and he easily lost sight of her. He would have stayed rooted to the spot in confusion, but Felix began to turn around.

David turned on his heel and ran to catch up to Mary Margaret, abandoning trying to grab Felix or the girl. He just wanted to get Henry, and she couldn't be so important to Pan if Felix was telling to her go away.

He tried to hide how heavily he was panting as his wife looked back and smiled, not even noticing his absence. That smile, so calming and open despite the circumstances, immediately made David forget all about the Lost Boys. Whoever the girl was wasn't important, what was important was his family, and the little time he had left with them.

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