My rose

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My rose is hurting

Her roots being tugged from the ground

The darkness so asserting

She's lost her heart forever bound


Her petals are wilting

Because we won't let them fall

The clouds above her tilting

As if they were never there at all


The worst thing about it

Is that she doesn't have thorns

She can't take another hit

By my devils greedy horns


Her petals stained crimson forever

She's alone in life's dark hole

How much hurt can my rose endeavor

Before the darkness eats her soul


How much blood will it take to turn her petals black

The stain is growing darker, she'll never turn back

How many droughts can my rose survive

Before the mower starts to drive


With the help of my anchor I can guard my rose

With the help of Satan she'll be hidden

I'll take the path I'd never have chose

To save her, I'd do all that's forbidden


Save her before it's too late

I refuse to let her feel pain

Before she gives into fate

Don't let her petals stain


I can see why she's a target

Only pretty flowers get picked 

It's my fault for trying to start it

Only the nice jewelry gets nicked


Please save her... I love her

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