the planet

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The blindness.

A/N chapter one is kinda long. The rest of the chapters are spilt into smaller parts. I just wanted to know if my writing was even readable/understandable. I write tons of these but have never shared one until now. I write these in a different program, and there seems to be ton's of error's with copy and paste, hopefully, I fixed most of those... 

When he woke after the explosion he couldn't be sure what had happened. All he could remember was they had been fired upon by an outside source, and that crippled the puddle jumper he was being transported in. The pilot had barely managed to get to a near by habitable planet, and he had no idea where that planet was. The first thing he saw when he opened his eyes was green, this world was forested, but it was the crackle of the fire that drew his attention. He was laying in the rubble, every part of his flesh ached but he needed to assess the situation. When he tried to move he found his foot was trapped he reached out and grabbed the twisted metal. With a roar, he pushed against it creating enough space to free his trapped limb.

"Todd?" the voice was subtle and barely audible; its location was nearby. He looked around the rubble but saw nothing remotely alive. There was two of his transport guards in plain sight, a waste of life, he thought, he could easily see their injuries meant they would never wake. The other he couldn't be certain, but he was motionless and very pale. He tossed a few pieces of metal to the side and stood up with a painful growl.

"...Please... Todd?" he could hear that voice again. This time he was certain it was not one of the dead guards, he remembered there were four guards. There was another, a female, she was smaller but just as confident as the others. She was in the back of the transport with him when they went down, possibly why she was alive now.

"You must speak again, little human." he spoke with the low tones of a Wraith. He listened but could no longer hear anything. He groaned and began rummaging through the wreckage for anything useful. After a few minutes he heard a low tapping noise, he would not have even thought twice about it but it was repeating...tap, tap...tap...tap, tap...tap...etc. He followed the noise and when he lifted a piece of nearby rubble, it screamed. Beneath it, he found a small human female with several wounds to her face that almost looked like claw marks. He could see no other visible wounds, but she was barely conscious, he could easily tell she was fighting to stay awake.

"The others?" she barely managed to squeak out those words, her breathing was so labored.

"We seem to be all that has survived, little human." the wraith was trying to deiced if saving her was worth what he would lose in strength.

"We?" she coughed but he said nothing. He slowly moved closer to her sitting on the ground next to her, it was then he realized, she didn't open her eye's. He reached his hand out and waved it above her.

"Todd...go..." she coughed again several times before she just laid back, her breathing deepened and more labored than before. The Wraith allowed his feeding hand to fall gently on the small human's chest with a loud multi-toned sigh.

"...don't..." she started to struggle but had no strength to truly fight him.

"It will benefit us both if you survive this, little human." the wraith spoke gently. The struggling female froze beneath him, both her hands still gripping his feeding arm with what little strength she had. "I will not harm you... this night." the wraith allowed the playful tones to show through in his voice. It had little effect on her he could feel her flesh trembling beneath him still. He stared at the fragile female waiting for her response but nothing. Soon her flesh fell limp beneath him. He could wait no longer, she would just have to be angry with him when she woke. He gripped her chest tightly and pushed, he didn't have a lot to spare but his injuries were minor he could spare just enough strength to boost her healing and at least stabilize her condition. With a roar, his strength flowed into her, and when it was over he was so exhausted he allowed the darkness to take him.

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