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 Only time could tell if a new alliance or a new enemy was made that day. With the Huntress reunited with her Parvana, and securely in command of a Wraith Hive, a whole new life could begin for her and those Wraith she called brother. Her journey into Wraith society just beginning, and her fight to find her missing young far from over. A new Human Queen steps out of the shadows and joins the fight for control of Pegasus. Backed by a loyal following of pure blooded Wraith she fights to unite all the races, under one rule, and change the face of the galaxy in ways, no one could have ever imagined. But that my dear friends, is another story altogether.

Originally, I was gonna end it here, but the story did continue... *spoiler alert* in 200 year's Guide find's himself telling stories to his grandchildren. When I lost the direct flow of this I jumped into the future, but I still have not sorted it all out yet...

If and/or when I ever get it done... I will update this post with its name... until then let me know if this was worth a read, so I know if I should work on more... =D

for more storys by the origanol auther check her out at kaynarshalala

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