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The huntress's training was going well, she learned how to sense other minds, even pull basic thoughts from them without their knowledge. She could defend her own mind well, but she had problems pushing her thoughts into another's. The first few months of her training went, as well as could be expected.Once the Huntress could come and go from the minds around her as she pleased, the matriarch turned her attentions to controlling those minds, and the Huntress failed to do as well.

The Matriarch had been using a small device that responded to mental commands, a toy she called it, to train the Huntress but she had failed for the 5th day to control the device.

"You fail to impose your will yet again." the matriarchs voice dripped with disappointment. As she prowled around the huntress who was kneeling in the middle of the room. Around her was a ring of devices none of which moved or responded in any way even as the huntress focus on them. "This is a child's toy. Something to allow the mind to impose its will, without fear of harm." the wraith was hissed as she walked around the silent human. "Perhaps that is where I have gone wrong." the matriarch backed away from the huntress and she could hear foot steps in the distance. When the Huntress reached out she felt Second's mind close by.

"What is this?" the Huntress asked calmly. She could hear Second enter the room and the matriarch footsteps approach him.

"The proper incentive." the matriarch proclaimed. The huntress couldn't hear anything at first when suddenly she felt it. Second let out a wail of pain unlike anything she had ever heard, and the Huntress roared as she leaped to his defense. The Huntress grabbed second by the arm and pulled him away from the feeding female. He fell to the ground in pain and the Huntress leaned over him defensively.

"You gave me your word." the Huntress growled menacingly. When the Matriarch let out a laugh unlike anything she heard before, the Huntress just stood there confused. "I don't understand?" she whispered.

"Had you failed them all of your lives would have been forfeit." the matriarch purred, she was keeping her distance from the huntress. "It is good for them. You did not fail." the matriarch was still at a distance from the huntress as she spoke.

"Don't play games with me." the Huntress's voice dripped with anger when she felt Second hand on her arm. "Second?" she questioned him quietly.

"I will live." he answered her. "Huntress, what are these devices..." the wraith voice was confused. "... all around us?" a moment after he asked the devices all fell tot eh floor with a small rumble. The Matriarch let out another loud cackle of laughter before her footstep's approached the still cautious human.

"Males are too inferior to understand our ways. But you, young human. You now fully understand the price of your failure, do you not?" the Matriarch purred only inched from them as the Huntress did everything she could to keep herself between the Matriarch and the cowering Wraith male at her feet.

"That was not necessary." the huntress growled back.

"Oh but it was. Had you continued to fail me...." the Matriarch purred but she was cut off.

"You made your point." the huntress focused on controlling her rage when she felt Seconds grip on her tighten. It was like a wave that hit her, Second was Calm, and submissive, even after the matriarch tried to kill him he submitted willfully to her, and it helped calm the Huntress's rage. The huntress took seconds hand in hers and gripped it tightly.

"You do not need my attention to master this toy. Take them, then return to me, only once you have fully mastered their abilities." the matriarch purred as she moved away from the Huntress. "When you do bring this male with you. It would seem your training will progress faster if he is in attendance." the matriarch footsteps faded into the distance. When the huntress took a step to follow her Second clung to her hand, she could hear his mind >don't, don't, don't,<. The huntress let out a sigh and turned to the wraith who was still knelt next to her.

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