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*********************   ( his sickness )***********

Once back on the Hive the Huntress was the first one off the transport, several other Wraith approached her upon arrival but she waved them off and strolled off down the halls of the Hive. They then turned to the Hive commander for answers who just stated, our food has been poisoned, then he took off after the Huntress down the halls of the Hive. The Wraith stride was much larger and faster he was easily able to catch up to the Huntress, but she was not stopping to speak with him.

"Let me go." the Huntress squeaked when Emeth grabbed her arm to stop her. The Wraith did not release her so easily this time. The Huntress trembled in his grip but her mental walls were thick, he could not feel anything from her. After a moment she gave in to his grip. "How many?" she whispered confused.

"I can not be certain." Emeth whispered as he held the shaking female. She fought him at first but slowly gave into the pull of his mind. > tell me, tell me, tell me, < he pushed her to tell him what was wrong.

"They are gone." she finally turned to the Hive commander. "Twelve, Nineteen, and Seven, I can't... they are..." the Huntress let down her walls as she spoke and Emeth hissed when he felt her pain. She felt the death of all three of them, it overwhelmed even him, but she pushed it aside. "I won't lose another to this." she growled painfully.

"We have separated those culled today, but I fear the disease is already on board." Emeth growled calmly.

"I don't think it's airborne. Latian's walked among the sick and never got it, especially our doctor. We pick out those with it now, before they can infect more." the Huntress was physically stable again, she focused her pain into strength and started off down the hall again.

" I can not allow you to go." Emeth grabbed the Huntress again, this time she was much more focused, and hissed back at him. "You do not understand, my Huntress." the Wraith purred calmly. When Emeth's tone changed suddenly, she turned back to face him. "No wraith would ever be able to connect with you again if you fell ill with this. I can not allow you to risk it. The humans are only a threat to us if we feed on them, but the threat to you is much greater." the wraith was purring calmly even thou his grip on her arm was unforgiving.

"Emeth?" the Huntress questioned him, not knowing if he was protecting her or his own ability to be close to her. "I am only one life, those culled could feed much more than that." she took a step toward the wraith and he bowed his head. He submitted to her physically, but he still refused to release her arm. When the Huntress jerked her arm free the Wraith immediately snatched her up in both of his arms and pulled her close to his body.

"I can not risk it, my Huntress." Emeth purred in her ear as he held her close.

"You know I can make you...Emeth..." the Huntress words were stopped when Emeth allowed his breath to play with the hairs of her neck. She gripped his arms in return as he embraced her tightly when she gasped in pleasure he knew he had her full attention.

"You will not." the Wraith whispered.

"This means that much to you?" she questioned him.

"Yyyeeeeessssss." he purred. The mere thought of losing her to this illness was driving him to madness.

"Then you know how much, I'm not willing to risk more lives." the Huntress stated as she tried to pull away from the manipulative Wraith, who just held her in place. When the Wraith let out a hiss of displeasure, she fought him more but his grip did not loosen. Eventually, his frustration with her boiled and he tossed her back against a nearby wall. When her back landed against the wall, he followed her to pin her with her feet dangling in the air. Emeth did not hurt her, she could tell he was being gentle enough to avoid injury. He did, however, manage to pin her against the wall, completely at his mercy.

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