our hive

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It was three days before alarms sounded throughout the outpost, that sent all the Wraith into a frenzy as they tried to figure out what was happening. After a few hour's they managed to shut down what they assumed was proximity alarms. When the sentential's left the outpost they took all its inhabitants with them, they left only the Huntress and her Wraith in the facility. Nothing was locked but a lot of the outpost controls where all mental, and it was far beyond many of their abilities to connect directly with it. It was far more complicated than a Hive and none of them could sense much when they tried until the Huntress found her way into command at the sound of the alarms.

"We think it's was a proximity alarm but it's impossible to read the sensors accurately." grumbled one of the Wraith when she entered the room.

"Move aside." she grumbled as she walked up to the command console, there were several flashing lights on a readout. There was also a place where she could physically link with the outpost through a neural gel the Wraith used in everything. When she stuck her hand in the gel the lights flicked for a moment then steadied out, her mind searched through the outpost's read out's until she saw it, as soon as she read the sensor log's she broke the connection to the outpost.

"It's a Hive... our Hive. If I'm reading these logs correctly." the Huntress did not wait for a response, she immediately turned and started moving toward the door as the other Wraith in the room stared at her. "I have no intention of remaining here any longer than necessary." she stopped in the doorway for only a moment. "Inform the others, we are returning to the hive at once." she growled then disappeared down the halls of the outpost. The Wraith dropped everything they were doing and took off down the halls of the outpost to gather the other Wraith. It took less than thirty minutes to gather everyone in the transport bay, only to have a transport arrive a few minutes later to pick them all up.

When the Huntress felt one of the matriarch companion's open the door to the transport, the Huntress was on top of it before the door could fully open. The Huntress grasped it by the collar and was literally choking the life from it.

"Where are they?" she growled.

"I merely...return...Hive...." the figure could barely speak as the Huntress grasped it tightly.

"I'm certain your matriarch told you, I would not let you walk away from this." the Huntress growled.

"Yes!" the figure growled back.

"Good!" the Huntress released her grip on the figure's collar and just as it gasped for air she placed both hand's around its head and twisted with everything she had. When she felt the creatures neck tighten, she reset her grip and roared with everything until she felt the snap. It all happened so fast, not even the Wraith around her knew what she was doing until the cloaked figure fell to the ground at her feet. The Huntress let out another roar as she kicked the figures dead body down the ramp of the transport. The female took several deep breaths then turned toward the onlooking wraith. "Let us go home." she stated clearly. The Wraith could feel her anger and how much she fought to control it. They did not hesitate or question her, only loaded into the transport and took the short journey to the Hive.

There was two hundred and sixty wraith on board and about a hundred worshipers when they left it, but none of those minds could be sensed when they bored the hive. They were greeted by an eerie silence that only set the Huntress nerves a blaze. She stormed off the transport and down the halls of the Hive, no one stopped her, no one was even there to be seen. Emeth directed several Wraith to command and others to check hibernation pod's, then he set off to follow the Huntress on her rampage through the Hive.

When Emeth finally found her she was already in the maturation chamber, he had a feeling this would be the first place she would go and he was right. He knew what currently distressed her before he even walked in the room, the young were gone. The Hive commander took a deep breath and stepped into the room with all the maturation pods. All of them were empty except one, the Huntress, knelt in front of that one with her hand on it. As Emeth stared at her, he couldn't bring himself to interrupt her, he knew nothing more or less than he did a little bit ago. Pushing her too far in any direction could cost him more than he was willing to risk at this time so, he choose to let her be. When Emeth turned to leave, he heard her call to him.

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