the joy of betrayal?

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The Huntress figured she had been missing for over a year. Her memories of her life before she was blinded, easily faded with each passing day. She had fought hard to make a new life here among wraith, and she was accepted in a way she never thought possible. The Huntress was anxious to hold Conclave to their word and sanctify their Hive, but the males were not so enthusiastic. Food stores on the hive were running low, they needed to cull. Especially with the new lives they supported, but returning to Conclave meant they might not be able to for some time. However, not returning to conclave also meant they would starve, the situation had been steady escalating. The Huntress figured she had no choice but to complete her training as quickly as possible. That meant returning to Conclave as soon as possible.

During her recovery, the Keeper called all the Hive's Sire's, and Emeth, to the Queen's hall at the Huntress's behest. She stood before all 21 Wraith that meant anything to her when she addressed them.

"I asked you all here because I wished to speak to you, without the prying eyes of Conclave." the Huntress started to walk among them as they all knelt listening to her. "I understand now, why this had to be this way. Carrying the life of the Hive made me immeasurably stronger, a strength that is quickly fading." when the Huntress placed her hand on one of her sire's shoulders she could feel his confusion. "The matriarch has taught me much, but always alone. Maybe others find strength insolitude, but I do not." she allowed her hand to fall from one wraith's shoulder as she moved slowly then she reached out to touch another. "I find my strength, in all of you." the Huntress moved towards the throne at the front of the room. "I have no intention of losing my connection with all of you. Nor do I intend on allowing any more ritual's." she turned around to face all the Wraith when she reached the throne, but she did not sit on it. "There is another way. Im just not sure how to explain it."

"Show them." Emeth whispered. The Huntress took a deep breath when she felt Emeths hand on her shoulder and turned towards him with an irritated look. So, he allowed his hand to fall from her.

"They have to trust me fully." the huntress responded when she felt him pull away.

"There is not a Wraith in this hall that does not trust you." her Keeper stated boldly.

"Are you prepared to prove it." the Huntress responded coldly.

"If we must." her Keeper tone quickly calmed to a submissive tone. She had not worn her mask in months, she did not need it she could sense all of her wraith around her. But right now she wished she could see the physical reactions around her. She wanted to know if they were expressing confusion or distaste to one another. When all she could sense was a dull blanket of confusion over the room.

"Create a sparing ring!" Emeth the second in command shouted out. Then he tossed out his hand to motion all the wraith into a large circle in the room. The Huntress took Emeth's hand and walked into the center, of the ring of Wraith.

"Keeper?" she called to the commanding wraith, then he also took her side in the middle of the ring . The Huntress turned to face the two Wraith before her, both ofthem the strongest minds she could sense in the room. "remain still." she remarked, then she took a deep breath and raised her arms. Several of her eyes took flight, some the devices started to buzz around Emeth first, but most of them created a small ring around the three of them. Emeth watched her closely, he knew what she was trying to do. The Huntress could shield him without a second thought, even as they sparred but could she shield another Wraith? Could she use these devices as she intended them? Emeth watched her closer as she struggled, then he turned and placed his hand on the Keeper's shoulder. The two wraith looked at each other as the devices all buzzed around them when Emeth nodded at keeper they both closed their eyes and focused on the Huntress before them.

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