Chapter 2 - Empty Cereal

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You just stand there, holding your basket looking off into the distance. You were going to ask him for a photo but he had already left you. I JUST MET DANIEL JAMES HOWELL, HE GAVE ME SOMETHING you scream in your head trying to contain your inner phangirl. It wasn't every day that you met your idol, the person who you had looked up to for the past seven years. Your heart pounds with excitement and you place a hand on your cheek. Your face obviously red, you stare down at your feet and brush a strand of hair behind your ear as a lady with two children walks by. You cough, clearing your throat and walk to the self-serve checkout as you were the type of person who tried to avoid human interaction, which is one of the many reason why you love watching Dan and Phil.

As you exit the shop with shopping bags in each hand you see the obnoxiously tall Dan climb into the back seat of a taxi. As it drives by he stares at you and you stare back making eye contact, which you both quickly break. It disappears from your sight and you practically skip back to your new apartment.

*Dan's POV*

I place the milk on the counter then open the cupboard and take out my cereal which is suspiciously light. I peer into it, empty. "PHIL!" I yell annoyed. I hear running coming from the lounge.

"What?" He pokes he head around the glass door. I glare at him and he notices me holding the empty box. "Oh..." He trails off. I open the bin with my foot and toss the box in.

"You have to buy me new cereal, now." I say turning my head to him as I put the milk back.

"I can't." He stands up straight and re-adjusts his fringe.

"What do you mean you can't?"

"I have a meeting." I bring my hand up to my forehead and face palm.

"Phil, you don't have a meeting."

"Laundry day?..." His voice trails off and I raise an eyebrow.

"You know what, I'll get it myself." I grab my phone and walk down the deathly stairs. I had planned to make a video later today but I'm in a pretty bad mood and I don't want negativity reflecting across my audience. I hail a taxi and make my way to the shop.

--Time skip to shop—

The moment I enter the cereal aisle get a text from Phil.

"I spilt juice on the TV and it sparked. I'm scared that I'm going to burn the house down!" Can't leave him alone for ten minutes can I?

"I'm on my way home. Don't. Touch. Anything!" I reply. Taking the cereal and tucking it under my arm. Bugger it, I am going to get my cereal no matter what. I put my phone back in my pocket. Out of the corner of my eye I and see a girl who looks about my age trying to jump up to the top shelf to reach something. Lots of people pass her but no one helps. I feel sorry for her and reach up and grab the item me being really tall and all. "Is this what you wanted?" I ask her.

"Y-Yes..." She trails off. I give it to her and as she places it down in her basket I quickly walk off to save Phil from himself. I pay for the cereal and walk back outside where my taxi is still waiting for me. As the car pulls away I see the girl from before. We make eye contact and quickly break it, I have a feeling that she wasn't one for much social interaction either.

*Your POV*

You start to walk into the alleyway and readjust the shopping bags in your hands. The one thing that you couldn't take with you was your camera because you were borrowing it from your dad. You stop in your tracks and spin around on your heels and head back out to find the nearest camera shop. Luckily there was once close by. A small bell dings as you enter the warm shop.

"Hi..." You trail off as you look up at the worker. It is Alroy. "I didn't know you worked here?!"

"I need to get income somehow." He grunts raising an eyebrow. "Now, what can I do for you?" He says as he leans on the counter.

"I need some equipment. A camera, microphone, light, and a tripod."

"Don't want much do ya." He says standing back up. "If you have all this money why didn't you find a better place to stay."

"As I said, the plans were rash." He shrugs in response and leads me to the camera isle. You bend down and point to a Cannon DSLR EOS80D "This." You say pointing to it. He pulls a key from his pocket and unlocks the glass cabinet.

"What is your job anyway?" He hands me the box.

"Uhh..." You trail off. You weren't the most comfortable with normal people knowing that you got your income from making weird videos on the internet. "YouTube."

"You work for YouTube?"

"Umm, kind off. Self-employed. I'm a YouTuber."

"Ohh, are ya now?"

"Mhm." You nod.

"You can't be that famous, haven't heard of ya." Silence falls between you and Alroy. A pain in your chest. No, you weren't one of the greats but there is still more to come, maybe? No, it is impossible, you thought to yourself. "Even though I'm not one much for YouTube I still know of some. Pewdipie, Dan and Phil..." The pain faded away as you let out a small smile at the thought of meeting Dan. Even though it was quick, what he did was nice. They had helped you through tough times, they gave you the confidence to start YouTube in the first place.

"No, but maybe one day." Once you have collected everything else that you were after you pay for the items. "I'll see you back at home." He clicks his tongue and answers an incoming call.

"Yes, home..." It is not a home, just a smelly shack. But it would make do?


You enter your small room and dump your shopping bags in the corner then place the camera equipment on your bed. Once carefully unboxing the expensive equipment you set it up and sit down on the mattress thinking of something to film. You had not told your audience what had happened to you and decide that they need an explanation. They would certainly notice the background difference.

You switch on the light and camera, and adjust the focus. You were all set, no script or planning required. The full truth.

"Hey Internet." You wave at the camera. "So...I have something to tell you." You take a deep breath in, preparing the right words. "As you might notice, the background is different. Obvious explanation, I've moved out. I would love to leave it there but unfortunately the story gets worse. As you all know I've been having to hide this channel from my parents for circumstances, and guess what happened. Yup...That's right. They found out and I got kicked out. Delete it or get thrown out, so guess which option I took." You nod at the camera. You tell them the full story, that you lived in a weird run down place with a guy you didn't know, and how you met Dan.

In the end, you told them.

That everything would be alright.

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