Chapter 13 - The next morning

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That night they slept peacefully, maybe the most both of them ever had. Their arms were wrapped around each other's waists, her head resting on his rising and falling chest. Their hearts beat in time, never missing a beat while the faint sound of traffic rumbled quietly. Rain pitter-patted down the window creating perfect obscured light reflections. Their attraction to each other isn't lust or what many would call desperation, it isn't just a fangirl crush or the blinding thought of living with Dan and Phil, it was innocence. The universe had other plans for them, not just love but something more that they were still yet to discover. Something rare but something unknown.

They had only known each other for just about a month and in that time a lot had happened. (Y/N) had had a massive rise in subscriber count and reached 300 000 subscribers. Of course, there was hate, some said that she was paying Dan and Phil to appear in videos to boost her count but that of course wasn't the truth.

For (Y/N) her life had completely changed. She finally had a home where she felt wanted, a family. (Y/N) had fell for Dan slowly, every little quirky thing he did, every time he laughed she just fell more. For Dan, it was more sudden. Yes, at first, she was just an accidental stalker but quickly he learnt more about her and realised that he loved everything about her the first night.


One week ago:

Your POV

Payday, well kind of. You lean back on the pull-out sofa and stared down intently at the computer screen before you. Your bank balances. You now had enough to rent a room in a share house but hey, it was better than what you had before. You shudder at the memories of that place. You close the laptop and make your way downstairs to see Phil sitting on the lounge watching television. You sit down next to him.

"Hey, what's up?" He says not breaking his attention from the screen.

"I umm...I finally have enough money to move out." You keep your voice low, even though Dan is in the next room you don't want him to hear this for some strange reason. Phil looks at you.


"What do you mean what?" You ask him confused raising an eyebrow. He crosses his arms and sits cross-legged towards you.

"You...want to move out?" He says quietly, more of a statement rather than a question.

"Well, you said that when I had enough money that I..." You fall quiet and look at his defeated glistening eyes, as if begging you not to go. Did they actually like you that much? So much, that it would actually hurt them for you to leave? As if your thoughts spewed out of your mind Phil speaks up.

"Please don't leave (Y/N)."


"I-We, don't want you to leave. You're kind of like family now you know? And we like having you around." You nod slowly in thought.

"But, I'm nobody. I'm no good, I don't have any benefits. If anything, I'm just invading your privacy." Your face falls and silence comes between the two of you. Eventually Phil turns back to the television and sighs.

"Plus, Dan would be crushed. Really crushed." Phil mutters cheekily. You can see a small smile formed on his lips.

"What-hold on what did you say?!"

"Nothing." He says blindly.

"Nothing..." You reply suspiciously. "Nothing eh?" You think about this for a minute. Everything is perfect here, you are treated right, they appreciate you. And then there's Dan...Dan. You sit in silence for a minute, pondering ideas on what to do. After a while you finally speak up.


"What? You'll stay." His face instantly lights up and he spins around to face you.

"But on one condition. I help with the rent." You hold a finger up to his face. You'd feel too bad if you didn't help out somehow. After all it was Dan and Phil and they had been so kind to you.

"Deal!" Phil playfully shakes my hand. "Oh boy is Dan going to be pleased!"

"What am I going to be pleased about?!" You hear Dan shout from the other room.

"Nothing!" You both call back in unison. You turn to each other and start giggling.

"Thank you, Phil, really. Thank you."



Your POV

Your eyes slide open slowly and you almost jump out of your skin as you spot a certain brown-haired boy in front of you. Holly crap. Oh my god oh my god oh my god...Last night it was 'I am a responsible adult who can hold and important conversation' now to an intensifying fangirl waiting to explode out of you at any minute. You smile giddily to yourself and let out a tiny squeal. Stay calm stay calm, let's be adult about this alright...nope. It's a bit hard to stay calm when your idol is sleeping right in front of you...oh and not to mention, also happens to be in love with you. Living with them was the normal for you now but to be honest it was still the most exciting thing that made your heart race nearly every day. Being so close to the people that literally saved your life – gave you hope that YES, the future is worth living for, that everything would be okay. And yes – it is. You stir causing him to wake up.

His eyelids drift open to reveal his beautiful brown eyes. His cheeks redden as he stares at you. Him being as awkward as his is he lets out a small chuckle and looks down. "Sorry. I umm- "

"It's fine." You smile at him as his eyes meet yours. He searches your eyes look at every detail.

"You're amazing." You hear him whisper under his breath. You feel your cheeks heat up.

"Oh, shut up." You hide your face in the covers as he smiles at you. "You know..." You turn onto your back and stare up at the ceiling. "All this time I thought Phan was real...and look at me." You smirk. He sits up and stares down at you.

"Now you shut up." He says cheekily.

"Never." He gets out of the bed and walks to your side.

"C'mon. You gotta get up eventually." He kneels down and tugs at the sheet and raises and eyebrow. You glare at him playfully. "Well then." He yanks the covers off you.

"Stuff you Dan."

"Stuff you too (Y/N)." He laughs as you get out of the bed. You walk to the doorway and stand there with your hand on the door know.

"I'm umm, going to have a shower." You motion towards the door.

"Yeah...yeah sure go ahead." He puts his hands on his hips and looks down at the floor. You twist the handle and open the door. "(Y/N) wait." You turn to him. He quickly walks up to you and encloses you in his warm grip. After the short surprise, you slide your arms around his waist. You stay there in perfect silence for what seems ages then pull away.

"Thanks Dan, for last night."

"No, thank you." He smiles sweetly at you. You walk through the door and into the bathroom. You smile gushingly to yourself and close the door behind you. You lean back on it and sigh. After what seems to be a failed attempt to relax you start dancing to yourself. The kind you do when you're really excited.

"Breathe (Y/N), breathe and have a god dammed shower." Still smiling to yourself you get undressed and slip into the steamy running water thinking about a particular brown-haired YouTuber.  


Lol you probably don't care and already know but I have a YouTube and I'm a lot more active now and it'd be awesome if you could support me by checking it out but it's okay if you don't. It's GraceTheSquid :)

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