Chapter 7 - Showers and Sweaters

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You watch them walk back off to their meeting. Sinking back into the chair you smile to yourself, thinking about them. They know who I am, this is a dream come true. And now their inviting me over to their house...holy crap. The thoughts make you smile even wider. They care about me, someone actually cares, I have friends. You feel like crying as the thought of knowing that someone cares starts to overwhelm you, especially after what has just happened. Right now, you are what you would say, sensitive.

You stare down at the money in your hand and walk towards the checkout. The cashier from before shoots you and apologetic look and you smile back at her. You order your favourite drink and baked good and pass her the ten-pound note. She gives you change and you shove it in you back pocket. "Thanks." You take the drink and food and sit back down at the booth.

As the delicious taste fills your mouth you start to scroll through twitter and reply to some messages. You frown at the crack in the screen. What an inconvenient place, great. I totally appreciate my view being obscured. You had a record for not breaking your phone, But I guess that streak is over now. You sigh and take another sip of your dink. Placing your phone back down on the table you stare out the window and watch the passing traffic.

After a while a familiar voice disturbs you from your trance. "(Y/N)." You look up to see Dan smiling down at you. "You ready to go?"

"Yeah." Standing up you collect your things, bin your rubbish and go to pass Dan the change. He refuses once again and gives you this look which says, 'We already spoke about this, keep it' you smile and put it back in your pocket. You walk out of the shop with Dan and Phil. " was the meeting?" You say breaking the silence.

"Good, normal. Just adult work things." Phil replies.

"Sounds kind of boring."

"You're not wrong there." Dan smiles.

Dan's POV

"You're not wrong there." I smile down at her. She walks between Phil and I. "So, umm...(Y/N), we watched a lot of your videos last night." I say trying not to sound like a stalker.

"Yeah, we think you're really funny." Phil adds. The smile on her face is unexplainable. She lets out a cute giggle.

"I didn't actually think you would."

"Why else would've I asked for your number. And I do actually want to collab with you, we both do."

"Really!" She says excitedly.

"Of course." Phil nudges her shoulder. "Your pretty cool you know, I have no idea why you don't have millions of subscribers."

"Oh, shut up." She says light heatedly her face going red. "You're just embarrassing me now."

"Well it's only true." I say. We smile at each other momentarily. "Here we are." I say unlocking the door to the building. We walk up the painful number of stairs and eventually reach our flat door.

Your POV

"Never in my life did I think I would actually be here, let alone meet you guys." You say excitedly. The lead you up the stairs and into the living room.

"Make yourself comfortable." Phil says smiling. You sit down on the edge of the sofa nervously as Dan turns on the fireplace since it is quite chilly in this room. Your mind is racing and fangirling not to mention. Phil comes back into the lounge room and passes you a glass of water.

"Thanks Phil."

"No problem (Y/N)." You take a sip of the water as Dan leaves the room. About a minute later from of childishly smiling to yourself he reappears holding clothes and a towel.

"Here, umm...go have a shower and clean yourself up. You can get changed into these then we'll put your clothes in the wash and stuff." He says gently, handing you the clothes. "I'm sure you already know where the bathroom is?"

"Heh, definitely." You place the glass on the coffee table and walk past him and down the stairs. He follows but stops at the top of the stairs and watches you. "Dan..." You look up at the figure leaning against the wall. "Thanks for everything, and I really mean it."

"No problem stalker." He smirks at you. You shake your head playfully and close the door behind you.

Dan's POV

"No problem stalker." She smiles and shakes her head playfully. She closes the door behind her and I hear the water begin to flow through the pipes. I turn and look down the hallway where Phil stands arms crossed smirking at me. "Shut up." I laugh at him.

"Whatever you say." He grins at me and walks past me into the lounge room.

"Sod off." All I hear is a small chuckle in response. I join him in the lounge room and sit down on the couch next to him.

"So, what are we going to do with (Y/N)?" Phil asks.

"Not sure..." I trail off and ponder. "Well I'm guessing she doesn't really want to go back there. If I was her I wouldn't want to either."

"You mean you don't want her to go back because you're worried about her." Phil interrupted.

"Mmhm." I nod feeling my cheeks warming up.

"Aweh, are you fangirling Danny?"

"Shut up." I wave him off trying to hide the embarrassed smile on my face. "Anyway..." I say getting back onto the pressing matter. "Maybe she could stay here for a bit until she has enough money to live somewhere else...That's if you don't mind of course?" I look nervously up at Phil.

"Dan why would I mind. Of course, she can stay." He smiles at me.

I hear the bathroom door click open and footsteps lightly coming up the stairs. (Y/N) pokes her head from around the door and then enters the room. "Umm. I was wondering if you had any jumpers I could borrow. It's just really cold right now." I stand up and stretch my arms briefly above my head looking at how funny and cute she looks wearing my baggy track pants and shirt.

"Sure, follow me and I'll see which jumpers we have." Walking past her she follows me down the hall and into my room.

Your POV

You follow him down the hallway. Excitement builds as you enter his room. Never had you ever thought you'd ever be here. Every passing second with them is a moment that'd you'd treasure forever. You stand awkwardly near the doorway with your arms crossed in front of you. He turns and looks at you as he opens his wardrobe. "You can sit down (Y/N)." He smiles sweetly his brown curly hair passing over his forehead.

"Thanks." You say quietly taking a seat on the edge of the bed. He walks to his wardrobe, rummages around for a bit the walks back over to you with a jumper in hand. He holds it up in front of you as if to match it to you then throws it aside. "This isn't a fashion show Dan." You giggle.

"Yeah, I know." He says muffled. He turns around on his heel and comes back with two jumpers this time. He holds the first one in front of you which is a dark green sweater and then compares it with a sunshine yellow one. "Definitely." You hear him mumble indecisively. He throws the dark green one to the side and passes you the yellow one. You slip it over your head and look back up to see him smiling at you.

"What?" You question tilting your head.


"C'mon, there's something." You say slipping your bruised arms through the sleeves.

"It..." He pauses. "You look nice (Y/N)." He fiddles with his fingers. Heat rises to your face as he compliments you. You lock eyes momentarily then quickly break. Jeze he is tall, and nice.

"A-Anyway, why do you own a sweater that is yellow and fits me rather well?" He shrugs in response and lets out a small laugh.

"I actually honestly don't know." He holds out his hand for you to take, you cautiously accept the kind help but wince as the cuts from the road sting against his skin.

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