Chapter 8 - Patches

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Dan holds his hand out towards you, you stare at it cautiously. He motions his hand once more and you take it. You wince as the painful scrapes on your palms touch his warm skin. He sees that you are in pain and frowns. Taking you hand in between both of his he slowly turns it around. "Ouch."

"It's fine. Only some scratches." He studies it closer, there is still some visible grub from the road caught in there.

"(Y/N), you can't leave it like this. It'll get infected." You reluctantly accept the help.

"'re right."

"C'mon, I'll get you patched up." He smiles warmly at you and helps you up. You walk behind Dan into the living room and take a seat on one of the dining chairs as Dan goes downstairs. "Hey Phil." Dan calls out.


"Where's the first aid kit." Dan shouts from laundry.

"Uuhh..." Phil ponders for a moment. "I think it's in the cupboard or somet-"

"Found it." Dan says as he jogs back up the stairs.

"Why do you need it anyway." Phil inquires looking up from his computer.

"Oh, (Y/N) just has some nasty looking cuts on her hands." Dan puts the box on the table and takes a seat next to you.

"Ouch, how'd you get that (Y/N)?"

"Umm...when I crawled desperately under a truck."

"That'd explain it." He replies wincing at the thought. "That must've been pretty scary."

"Yeah." You let out a small chuckle then sober. "Yeah, it was." He shoots you a sympathetic look then you turn your head to look at Dan who is getting antiseptic and Band-Aids out.

"This might hurt." He looks at you then concentrates on your hands. He touches the antiseptic drenched cotton bud on your hand. You go to pull away but he gently touches your arm to reassure you. "It's trust me, right?" He says softly.

"Of course." You answer slightly too quickly. Your cheeks heat up with embarrassment. He smiles in response and looks back down at your hand. You nervously inch you hand back towards him and he slowly touches the cotton bud to your skin. You wince but put up with the pain.

"So, we were like...umm...thinking that maybe you could stay with us until you find a safe place to live?" Your heat beat quickens, was this really happening. Holly crap, is this a dream...nope the pain is definitely real.

"I wouldn't want to invade your privacy though." Idiot!

"(Y/N), we want to help." Phil says from the couch.

"Please?" Dan asks pouting. After a moment of silence, you finally speak.

"Actually, I'd really like that." A massive smile explodes onto your face.

"See, I knew she would come around!" Phil says triumphantly. Dan can't help but to let out a small laugh.

"Shut up." You say light heartedly. Dan places the final Band-Aid onto your hand.

"There you go, all healthy again." He pats the top of your hands playfully but they linger. He lets out a quiet childish giggle and stands up. Your heart skips a beat. Agh, why are they, perfect and...such gentlemen like and kind. You are distracted from your thoughts by your phone buzzing. You look over to see a text from Alroy, you reach out to your phone and open the text.

Alroy: Hey, where are you? You've been gone since last night.

You: I'm staying with some friends.

Alroy: How long will you be?

You wait a moment to reply. "Everything alright (Y/N)?" Dan asks concerned.

"Hhm, yeah. Just Alroy." He nods and leans on the edge of the table. His phone rings and he picks up.

"Hello...oh yes, the meeting...Pardon? Yeah I'd be happy to discuss other options..." He walks out of the room attending to the important call. You turn back to your phone.

You: Not sure.

You: Is it possible for me to get my things?

Alroy: ...

Alroy: Yes. Just come over.

You stand up and slide your phone into the pocket of the track suit pants. "Hey Phil?"

"Yeah?" He looks up from his computer.

"I'm going round to get my stuff. All my equipment is there." He closes his laptop and smiles like the ray of sunshine he is.

"Mind if I come?"

"Not at all." He walks past me and I follow him down the stairs. We slip on our shoes and leave the flat. After a minute of silent walking Phil breaks the silence.

"We're really excited to have you staying with us you know."


"Yeah, especially Dan." Your face heats up. "Ha-ha, no need to be embarrassed." He nudges your arm with his elbow. You look up at the tall raven-haired figure. "You are pretty cool to be honest."

"Oh, shut up, now you're really embarrassing me." He just laughs in response. You talk about random things such as anime, YouTube, fangirling over things together until you finally reach the alley way. "Here we are."

"Are you serious. Is this where you're staying." You nod. "Jesus." You start to walk down the dark pavement down to the end. Phil sticks close behind you. You hesitantly knock on the door, the memories from last night flooding back into your head. The way he pulled at your hair and grabbed at your wrists No, I put up a fight. I escaped. You reassured yourself. The door swings open and there stands Alroy.

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